Hi all I thought it would be fun to see what we prefer as pets. I am definitely a dog person. I do like cats. But not as an indoor pet. Will post a couple of stories about the neat dogs I have owned or have owned me later. I have to get those berries picked before the birds get them all.
Yes, I am a dog person and yes, I am a cat person. We have had two lovely big slobbery fuzzy mutts in our lives, and two cats. Currently we are owned by a calico, Feliz, and I am hoping to add a big, slobbery, etc. as soon as we can. Love them both!
I've never had a cat as I'm allergic to them but I LOVE dogs and would have another if it were at all possible.
I'm definitely a dog person, but got my first cat about 5 years ago because I HATE mice LOL She's an indoor cat because I refuse to let her be coyote food. Cat's are less work for sure, but I have an active lifestyle and like that my dog accompanies me. I think I will always have a dog, but not necessarily a cat.
I used to be mainly a cat person. But after I lost my tuxedo kitty Thomas (at 17 years) a demanding Thomas and Rocky ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) rescued doberman has filled my time and energies. Kota is a love, but socially clumsy. My husband calls her dorkasaurus. Good heart and we are still working on the manners 2 years later. Her manners are much better but she is food driven (stealing strawberries and eating the garden vegies) and high energy. Kota ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) It depends on the personality of the animals I am living with.
thepondlady-I was just curious as to why? About cats I mean. I'm not to fond of them either as we get several feral cats roaming about out by us every year. I'm sure somewhere along the line they were or came from tame cats being dumped out in the country. We did once adopt a cat we found at a friends house. He was a big yellow tom cat. He was very friendly and after we got him home he seemed to fit right in. He was crazy about my hubby and even got along with our dogs. He must have been with us about 4wks when in the middle of the night I wake to smell strong cat urine. He had sprayed pee on my slippers. :-x I forgave him that error. But then a few nights later he hopped up on the bed and sprayed on it while we were sleeping. I said, you are OUT of here. We gave him to some friends who had a farm.
Right now I am the crazy cat lady Last September we lost our adorable golden retriever, Briggsy. He was the leader of our "Briggs & Stratton" team. I've grown up with both but didn't appreciate cats until about 10 years ago when I adopted an old momma cat to catch mice in my office. She has turned me around :-D She has the best personality! Thanks to her I now have a cat at home, Strat-cat, and feed about 8 in the neighborhood
Hi all; fun to get all your feed back. I am now back from picking only half of the berries. But with the sweat running in my eyes I said, ENOUGH of this. Here is a pic of our current little poodle mix Tootsie. She is sitting in what she considers her chair. She watch's for the red squirrels to come up on the deck and eat out of the bird feeder. She then flies into action and stands barking and scratching on the patio door trying to chase it away. I just know that the squirrel is thinking nay,nay,nay,nay,nay, you can't catch me. She also has us wound about her little paws. She tells us when it's time to get up,when to go too bed, when she wants a snack and when she wants a belly rub. When she wants a belly rub she will come and flop over in front of you and give you that cute look. You can't help but rub her cut little belly. She love veggies and apples. She actually has an apple fetish and will find all the wild apples she can to eat. She also love to go for rides with you. Lets go for a boat ride. ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden ) On squirrel watch. ( photo / image / picture from Tooty2shoes's Garden )
I love all fuzzy animals. I have one dog, little miss Sadie Ann, who's been with me through thick and thin for nine years. My son and I recently added a new member to our family three months ago: an eight month old cat named Tobie, he's a sweetie. Tobie likes to lay next to Sadie Ann and groom her and she doesn't mind a bit. Goofy animals...
I'm mainly a cat person, but I also enjoy dogs. We still miss the one we had. Right now we're owned by two cats who decided we needed them. Our girl moved in first and the boy the year after. We don't know where they came from and tried to find out but nobody missed them. Our cats also own our neighbours and have trained them to fish for them. We've also got two horses and we've had hens, rabbit and degus. I'd like a Jersey cow and a mini-pig too, but I think I need to get a farm first.
Jewell thats sweet that you took her in. My dog likes to eat things out of the garden as well. Dobies are definitely high energy. Cute cats also.
Tooty2Shoes: we love our dobies. Our old male dobie that died in his sleep at 11 years of age used to stand up on his hind legs to reach the apples in the trees (we have a couple of apple trees in the back yard). If he could have climbed them he would have. We had to move the vegie garden behind fencing to keep the dogs out starting with him.Our dogs like their fresh vegies. Your Tootsie is a cutie. I grew up with a brown poodle.