It's been hot and windy here. A dust devil went through in the afternoon. It was so dusty you couldn't see across the street. Chance had to come set on me. I'm glad she wasn't outside. After it passed DR and I went out to see what blew here and there and to set things right again. I found a baby bird that fell out or was blown out of the bird house hanging in the big tree. I got a glove and picked it up. It had feathers and everything but not a big tail. It could hop around but couldn't fly. It was like trying to catch a two year old kid. I got a chair and lifted it up to the perch on the bird house and it hopped back into the nest. There was another little bird sticking it's head out and cheeping. Probably telling the little bird to get back inside before mom showed up or he was going to catch it. It was just a little sparrow but if I hadn't put it back a cat would have gotten it. Dooley
Oh that poor little bird!! It was very lucky that you found him and saved him from who knows what!!! I sure he was very happy to be back in his nest!!
I love baby birds .They are always binging blown nest and all from trees at work .To tall to put them back and they usually are dead in the nest .It makes me feel bad every time.