Beating The Heat--Making Your Own Popsicles

Discussion in 'Recipes and Cooking' started by Sjoerd, Jun 30, 2010.

  1. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    We have had some scorching weather here lately and I am at wit's end trying to deal with all the heat. Home is too warm inside and so is being in the allotment. The heat is compounded with humidity and almost no wind to make for a really bothersome sort of discomfort.

    It seems that I am always the most intolerant of heat in the beginning of the season...after some days, I become adjusted and it doesn't bother me so much then.

    So, that leaves me with finding a solution to my misery. I could buy a fancy airco but that just costs too much, I feel. No, what I need is some diversion and/or a counter measure. I have reserves of berrys now that need to be made into jam, but the ketchen is too hot for that. What to do?

    Popsicles? Hmmmm... Well, I do not really like the flavour of the commercial popsicles (and, of course I'd have to go out into the blazing sun to do the shopping. hahaha.
    Let's see...I want popsicles, I have fresh and frozen fruit. BINGO! I'll make my own. Yes, that's it--I'll make my own.

    What I need:
    --Fruit from the allotment
    --Granulated sugar
    --Plastic coffee cups
    --Sticks (I'll use tongue depressors and split them)

    What to do.
    --First boil some water with sugar in it and let it simmer
    --Puree fruit with a blender, or a staff-mixer
    --Mix the sugar water and pureed fruit together evenly
    --pour the mixture into a cup, filling it 1/2-2/3rds full
    --place a piece of alu-folie over the top of the cup and press a stick through it and down into the mixture. The alu-folie holds the stick upright until it has solidified
    --place the cups in the freezer and let them harden and stay there until ready for eating

    Voilà, fruity popsicles!

    The varieties made here are, strawberry, strawberry-blueberry and strawberry-red current.
    The first quality control test was successful. One plain strawberry popsicle and one strawberry-blueberry popsicle were sampled.
    ....Oh yeah! A REAL success, fer sure, dude.

    Some fotos to accompany:
    Once the fruit has been pureed, you ladle it into a cup with a funnel.

    Covering the cups with alu-foli to support the sticks.

    Placing those babies into the freezer.

    After four hours, time for a taste test. Here they are after being removed from the freezer.

    Ready for consumption. Don't they look superb?

    These are going to do the trick next hot day. In fact, I am actually looking foreword to some hot weather now. Bring it and my popsies are ready!
    Odif and Pacnorwest like this.
  2. daisybeans

    daisybeans Hardy Maple

    Mar 28, 2009
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    annapolis md
    "Wait a minute, Mr Popsicle Man!" That's what we used to call out when we were kids running after the ice cream truck! I looooove frozen fruit popsicles. That was a good solution, Sjoerd. It's hot here too, I'll have strawberry, please!?
  3. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Yes ma'am--one strawberry popsie coming up. :D
    Eet Smakelijk!
  4. featherphobia

    featherphobia Seedling

    May 21, 2010
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    Central, Louisiana, 70739
    yummy, they really do look inviting and cooling, I would need to get another freezer, there is not room in the one we have now. Mabe I'll try to make some room and use your receipt.

  5. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    I must admit, these look mighty appetising! Clever use of the foil Sjoerd. Thanks for posting.
  6. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    I'll take a strawberry-blueberry combo if you please.
    Those look delicious and just perfect for our summer weather. Oh, you could simmer a few springs of Peppermint or Lemon Balm with the sugar water too.
  7. Biita

    Biita Arctic-ally Challenged Forager

    Oct 31, 2007
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    Oh yum! I have made many of those in my day. I have only harvested 5 strawberries so far. None has made it thru the front door. Darn weather has been terriable. Sunny, but cold. Only a few days over 20, most have been around 15. Not warm enough for anything to ripen. Sooooo, i will have some of yours,,,lol. Pass the strawberry, current kind være så snill! (let me get a blanket to wrap up in first)

    You know if you make a container of that, and take out of freezer ever couple of hours and mix real good, about 3-4 times, you will have a type of sorbet. Add creme or milk and do the same and you have sorbet.
  8. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    FEATHERP--Thanks. I will be interested in hearing how yours turns out.

    Glad you liked the looks of the posting, FRANK--Yeah, that foil solved the most difficult problem. :)
    BTW--I noticed that you had a new avatar a while ago. Is that a different type of Kabouter, or is it a Hümmel?

    One strawberry-blueberry popsie coming up, TONI--They are sooooooo goooood.
    Good idea about the mint and lemon balm.

    BIITA--Sorry to hear that you have not yet come into the strawbs. I know exctly how it is to not be able to get the strawbs into the house. Something just mysteriously happens to them on the way to the house, doesn't it. ;)
    It is a shame that your weather has been so cool. Ours, on the other hand has been in the high 20's and low 30's. Yikes! Not comfortable at all, esp. with the humidity.

    Strawberry-current? Her er din ijslolloe. Glede seg over den!

    I have been thinking of doing just that--with the cream to make sorbet...and with yogurt as well.
    We'll see.
  9. Biita

    Biita Arctic-ally Challenged Forager

    Oct 31, 2007
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    Jordbær og Rips hå en veldig, veldig godt smak! Det er sant. Her vi si is for iskreme. (Strawberry and Red Current has a very very good taste. Thats the truth. Here we say ice for ice creme) or gelato type ices. I think the yougurt would be a really good taste. Or a creme fraise. mmmm. Now i just wish the rips plant would hurry up and do something,,,lol. But!! our forcaste is saying it shall be around 20C for the next few days,,,lets hope its a trend!!
  10. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    No, I just think it is a little monk :)
  11. bunkie

    bunkie Young Pine

    Aug 7, 2008
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    eastern washington
    mon'key' frank??! :D

    hey sjoerd, once again we're in sinct! hubby loves popsicles, and i love them when it's hot, and this year i bought some molds to test hop, and so far am very pleased with them...


    the strawberries are just coming on and the blackberries are flowering, so made do with things we had in the pantry. these are what i tried and are soooo good! all we need now is the's cold here!

  12. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    BIITA-- agree with you that strawberry and red currents are a good combination. Do you know, we call ice cream (like vanilla) "ijs" (ice) and popsicles "water ijsjes", or "ijslollie" (ice lollies).
    Everything has it's own specific name.
    As for the temp here-- :( is 27° here at the compi at the moment (night time)...and it is suggested that it could reach 35°tomorrow. Gasp! :p *panting* I'm not looking forward to that, I can tell you right now.
    My blueberry patch has begun cracking open, so I gave it loads of water today and will continue tomorrow...and everyday until it rains. I don't want to loose that crop, y'know.

    FRANK--Oh, okay. I have to admit, I did not notice it. I hope that this monk avatar does not reflect a personal urge to join a monastic order and withdraw from secular society. hahaha.

    What about that, BUNKIE--Well, I can tell you that the success of the popsies was so great, that I am now going to invest in some Molds like yours.
    This will take a bit of searching, as making popsicles are not commonly done here.
    Soooooooo....what can you tell me about your molds? What is their brand name and who makes them?
    I like the looks of yours up above.

    Would you care to comment on the pic that I see here. For instance, ate the sticks wooden and separate? the "no drip receptacle" at the bottom is a good idea, and I assume it's plastic?
    The tray looks handy, although I guess that when they are frozen a real mold is used, right? Seeing the popsicles standing upside down on the stand doesn't give me an idea of what you pour the solution into to freeze.

    Looking forward to your comments...and other answers.

    BTW-- the receipts are interesting. I guess there's no limit to the possibilities.
  13. Kay

    Kay Girl with Green Thumbs

    Dec 30, 2009
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    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Yum... I'm late to the party, but make mine strawberry please! They look delicious, and so refreshing for us hard working gardeners!
  14. gfreiherr

    gfreiherr Young Pine

    Oct 12, 2009
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    Knoxville, Tennessee
  15. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Hello KAY--Better late than never, as the saying goes.*passing a strawberry popsie your way*
    They truly are refreshing for us gardners. They're a perk for us, right? ;)

    GAIL--Thank you very much for the link. I shall begin my search there.

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