Beer— a tasty drink at the pub; however, in Dutch beer = bear. When spoken, bear sounds like, bare doesn’t it. Bare is what your arms are on a summers’ day; but in dutch bare = bloot, or blote in the adjective form. When your arms are bare/ bloot, they can become brown. Brown in english = bruin in dutch. Of course, bruin in english is another word for a bear, right? …and here we are back where it all began, with bears. Bloot = bare, and in english, bloot refers to swelling-up with; say, air or something else. So then, would you like for me to stop with this word-salad? Bare with me. Would is one word, but the same-sounding other word, wood can tie it all together, because the woods (dutch = woud) is where the age-old answer is asked for clarification.
Mel— great response. Hah. You have such a great sense of humour. That mish-mash of nonsense is how my brain was working at night while I was trying to fall asleep. I was trying to think up a dutch word an an englsh word for the next morning’s wordels. At some point I was like half awake and half asleep.