Just thought I'd pass on the title of a bird book that I purchased recently, to help identify some of those that regularly visit the garden, as well as others. What's That Bird ? by Dr Paul Sterry. Nice little book, well-illustrated with descriptions and details of several of the most common European garden birds. C.J.
Thanks for the recommendation C.J Did you research other books before purchasing? Did this look like the best out there? I have seen reference books like this before. In fact my brother has one and when you see some bird you don't recognise you can race for it nearby. It's quite useful.
As I wanted only to concentrate mainly on the birds that I'm most likely to see where I live, although some others are covered, this title appealed. Great photographs and information, including how to attract the various types to your garden. As well as an idea how to create a bird-friendly garden. It is another of the type of books I enjoy, which gives excellent details on the subject matter, without making it complicated with too much in the way of technical details. Therefore, you can learn loads quickly, without obtaining a throbbing headache trying to understand. C.J.
Mmmmm sounds like a fascinating book and if I hadn't already bought around a dozen bird books over the years I would consider buying it. Maybe I'll drop a few hints in Decemebr to my family though in the hope that I get it as a birthday present. At the moment my favourite bird reference book is 'Field Guide to Birds of Britain and Northern Europe' by Detlef Singer. It covers a wide range of subjects and had wonderful photographs of birds.