Birds & Blossoms ~

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by zuzu's petals, Jun 23, 2007.

  1. zuzu's petals

    zuzu's petals Silly Old Bat Plants Contributor

    Oct 19, 2006
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    Coastal N.C. ~zone 8ish~
    I've gotten such a kick out of watching 3 Pileated Woodpeckers this season
    We've known there was a mated pair around for years,
    and we often hear their distinctive calls,
    but they are so shy that we only caught occasional glimpses of them.
    I suppose the drought this year has brought them out, seeking water.

    I caught some photos of one a few days ago, enjoying itself in the courtyard.

    First it showered in the sprinkler

    Then it moved down to the birdbath for a splash

    I guess all that bathing worked up an appetite

    Meanwhile, nested in the pergola behind the house
    this Mourning Dove sits, waiting for her eggs to hatch.
    She watched me as I watched her

    I caught a few bloomin' things too. :D

    A double-flowered orange tropical Hibiscus,
    I think perhaps it is 'Jane Cowell'

    Datura 'Black Current Swirl'

    A crimson, cactus flowered Dahlia that I received in a trade.
    It's actually darker than it appears in this photo.
    I wish I knew it's name . . . any ideas?

    The Wisteria vine still produces a few flowers from time to time

    I wish you could enjoy the heavenly scent of this Plumeria.
    These are the famous Hawaiian Lei flowers that used to be called Frangipani.

    Just a common ditchlily, but I think they are wonderful.

    This grouping of potted plants sits to one side of my front steps

    and these are on the other side.

    Thanks for lookin'. :-D
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  3. hummingbird3172

    hummingbird3172 In Flower

    May 22, 2007
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    Zone 9b Saint Cloud, FL
    Oooh Zuzu!

    These pictures are fabulous! We used to have a Pileated woodpecker that would peck on the house. My Dad used to get so mad, run outside and shake his fist, it was really quite funny. I'd love to have one visit...I get the red-bellied ones...

    I'm trying to get a Datura going...and a plumeria...trying to see which will take off first...your pictures make me wish they were both blooming.

    Soooo beautiful!!!
  4. Chitweed

    Chitweed In Flower

    May 21, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Delaware, USA
    Such beautiful flowers again! The birds aren't bad either!
    ZZ do you have a watering system for all your planters? If you water by hand, how long does it take you each day?
  5. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    You did so well getting shots of the shy pleated woodpecker - much better than I've ever done with the great spotted we have here.

    I would love to see your garden in person as the photographs you post are so beautiful. The scent must be wonderful as you step out into the open air. You have some fantastic plants in your garden Zuzu!!

    I hope the mourning doves eggs hatch so that we can, maybe, get a piccie of the youngsters.

  6. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    Beautiful Zuzu! Great shots of that woodpecker. He sure looks at home in your garden!
    With all those beautiful blooms, it's no wonder you get so many house guests!
  7. cajunbelle

    cajunbelle Daylily Diva

    Jun 4, 2006
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    zone 8b Louisiana
    Love the woodpecker, we have several, but I haven't heard them much this year. Your containers are beautiful, I am very pleased with several of mine this year too. You have successfully created a tropical paradise in your little corner of the world ZuZu. I applaud you, and your talented DH.
  8. zuzu's petals

    zuzu's petals Silly Old Bat Plants Contributor

    Oct 19, 2006
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    Coastal N.C. ~zone 8ish~
    Thanks guys, I really appreciate your kind words.
    I wish that the pix of the woodpecker were clearer,
    but I was keeping my distance, and crouching behind the back of hubby's van. 8)

    Boy, I wish I did have a good, complete watering system. :-?

    I do have some newly installed sprinklers which cover part of the back yard beds . . .
    . . .
    I can't use them now, because the Dove built her nest right under one of the impact heads
    :rolleyes: wouldn't ya just know it??? I can't wait 'til those eggs hatch. :)

    I probably spend 2-3 hours tending to the whole mess each day,
    water a little, weed a little, water a little, plant a little, prune a little, water a little, etc...
    I imagine the watering alone would amount to about half an hour. :oops:

    I like to think of it as "aqua therapy". :D
  9. Jo

    Jo New Seed

    May 24, 2007
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    Memphis, TN
    WOW Zuzu those are really great pictures. I especially like the dove.The sound they make it is so soothing. Your hibiscus it beautiful and the ditch lily is one of my favorites. I think it is the same thing that I have in my blog with the little spider hiding in it. I had a wood pecker around a few times not positive what kind. They are awesome to see. Thanks for sharing! :)

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