My husband just bottled up 40 or more bottles of Oktoberfest beer. There is always an inch or two of "sludge" left in the secondary fermenter, and that goes on the compost pile. In addition to making the worms in the pile very happy, it also adds some micro-nutrients and yeast to the compost mix. If you, or someone you know brews beer, ask for the leavings for your compost pile. Of course, all the neighbors are hanging over the fence, sniffing the aroma off your compost . . . .
Ehm... I don't know any beer brewers, but my husband makes excellent wine. I'd better ask him to toss the dredge into the compost. Your mentioning the worms got me giggling like a teenage girl.
We used to do that when my husband brewed his own beer. Sadly he lost interest so now I can't add any to my compost. No more beery parties for my worm population!!
I mentioned this to my husband yesterday evening, and he looked at me with a rather shocked expression. But he's keen to try it, so we will.
Great idea. Hubby makes wine and we gave our s-i-l a beer making kit for christmas last year, I'll get them to 'Save the Sludge' for my compost barrel in the future.
Netty, you need to widen your circle of acquaintances! I went out this morning to put the chickens' contribution on the compost pile, and it smelled like a brewery! Wouldn't you know it's Sunday, and we are on the road to the church. Oh, oh, I may be in trouble (or we may have a lot of people stopping by after services!).