This little guy was hanging around yesterday. Does anybody know what type it is? unknown moth ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden )
Cheryl I think it's actually a butterfly from the way it's holding its wings. I'll have a look in my books and get back to you ASAP.
Really Eileen a butterfly and not a moth? Maybe that's why I couldn't find a photo of it... I really must learn and remember more about these little creatures. Thanks!
I think I've found out what your butterfly is at last Cheryl. It appears to be a Silver Spotted Skipper. Here are a couple of photographs I found to let you see.
Oh my goodness! That's exactly it! It was so small, that's why I thought it was moth. I'm going to rename the photo right now with the correct name. Thanks so much Eileen! I'd have been spending hours looking at moths. Yet again... I've learned something else here.
I have run into the same problem when I was trying to identify butterflys/moths...I can't wait to see my first ones here...still too cold in our area. I see they like your pin cushion flowers...thanks for sharing...a great find in the garden.