Budgeted organic foods!

Discussion in 'Organic Gardening' started by Aiden, Nov 15, 2007.

  1. Aiden

    Aiden New Seed

    Nov 15, 2007
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    Hey! I am interested in switching over to natural / organic diet as my doctor says that I should as soon as I can. I am looking for affordable natural or organic food to cure myself as I do not have too much money. Someone please help me out! Thanks!
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  3. Biita

    Biita Arctic-ally Challenged Forager

    Oct 31, 2007
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    Hi Aiden, an welcome to the forums,, if you want to go nature or organic as you say, it depends on what you are looking for, what you like in your taste, if your looking to lower or raise a problem in your body,, can you be a little more specific, because nature healing an foods is a favorite passion of mine. do you want to buy these foods or are you willing to eat what grows in nature it self, or you raise on your own.

    but anyways, welcome, there are a lot more people here with more knowledge than i have i'm sure, an they can help.
  4. nan1234

    nan1234 Seedling

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Chicago Area
    I think the best and the most economic way to go for organic diet is to start your own edible garden. We started our vegetable garden this year and since then we have not bought any fresh vegetables from store but now we eat several times more vegetables than ever. Next year, we are going to buy a big freezer to store freshly forzen veggie for winter.

    Some of my thoughts on organic diet:

    1. You are not necessary to stick to 100% organic. We choose organic produce manily for one reason: avoid pesticides. Some types of produce have very little or no residues, for example, asparagus, peas, cauliflowers, corn, brocolli, papaya, banana, kiwi, pineapple, mango, avocado, and oranges. If you budget does not allow, choose these least contaminated spieces.

    2. Do not buy heavily contanimated produce. Top five conatanimated fruits: peaches, apples, strawberries, nectarines, pears. Top five conatanimated veggies: spinach, bell peppers, celery, potatoes, and hot pepers. Buy organic or grow your own.

    3. If you are not committed to 100% vegetarian, buy organic white meat only. Free-range certified organic chicken is one of the cleanest and healthiest sources of protein and it is not very expensive. If you want to reduce the amount of daily meat consumption, try stir-frying a large portion of veggies with a small portion of chicken.

    4. Eating large portions of fruits and vegitables daily can help to increase your body's pH value. Eating meat, especially red meat will decrese your body pH vlaue. The normal body PH value is in the 7.5 to 7.1 slightly alkaline range. Cancer patients (over 85%) usually have a pH of 4.5, especially when terminal. Cancel cells cannot survive in an alkaline environment. Strong acid food include: egg yolk, cheese, cake, persimmon, red meat (beef and pork), ham, fish eggs, bonito fish. Strong alkaline food: grape, tea, grape wine, tomato, banana, orange, egg white, berries, spinach, soy bean, pumpkin, turnip, and carrots.

    5. Buy fresh produce. The source of organic produce in supermarket may come from a long distance and may loose its freshness due to low volume circulation. Greens may develop NO2, a cancer stimulating substannce, when lose its freshness. Buy locally if possible. Many palces ahve farmer's markets. Of cause the best way is to grow your own.

    6. Don't buy junk food. Don't eat fast food and over processed food. Go for whole wheat, oat, beans, fresh veggies, fruits, and nuts. Soy beans are exellent source of protein, especially good for women. Eat fish wildly caught and in the lower food chain.

    My first choice of organic produce: organic spinach
  5. Palm Tree

    Palm Tree Young Pine

    Sep 17, 2007
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    Cape Town
    Wow Nan1234

    I have truly learnt a lot from your post. We also have a family member that has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and were given a mere 6 months at most to live. That very same person is still alive today and he was diagnosed more than five years ago.

    His survival was also due to a drastic change in his eating habits and obviously the chemotherapy that was administered. with the improved diet (mostly organic) the chemotherapy does not have to be administered so often anymore.

    In my household I also try to make a minimum of 4 days a week, vegetarian days. and I will especially take note of point 5 - since that is so true. I usually buy baby spinach from our Woolies and on the pack I read organically grown in the valley on the foothills of Mount Kenya - (GOOD GRIEF) that is like so far away from Cape Town.

    Are you sure oranges are alkaline?? In any case I think the best resolution would be to grow ones one food organically of course.

  6. nan1234

    nan1234 Seedling

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Chicago Area
    Hi Palm Tree,

    Yes, oranges are alkaline. Sounds strange, doesn't it? To be precise, I should say, oranges have an alkalizing effect on your body. The effect of food on the body has nothing to do with the pH of the food itself. The important measurement is how the food changes the pH of your body after it is digested. Often, sour foods like lemon or orange juice will actually raise pH after digestion, making the body more alkaline.

    Sometimes it is very confusing to think whether a food has an alkalizing effect, for instance, I'm quite lost in this fact table. It does not mean that you have to stop eating acidifying foods. You can choose a wide variety of food, including some acidifying foods, but in total, you need an overall alkalizing effect.
  7. leosatter

    leosatter New Seed

    Nov 26, 2007
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    Organic Suggestions?

    I was wondering if you knew where I could purchase quailty organic foods online? I am interested in where I can find an organic foods service where I can purchase more on the ingredient side...do you have any suggestions?

    If you could help me out, i would be so greatful...thank you
  8. bethie

    bethie Young Pine

    Jun 8, 2006
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    nan1234-excellent article. We would all greatly benefit by even following some of this. :)
  9. nan1234

    nan1234 Seedling

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Chicago Area
    Hi Leosatter, I am sorry that I cannot help you. I do not buy organic food online. It's very hard to decide the quality (especially freshness) if you buy food online. I only did it once last year and ended up throwing the whole bag (10 lb macadamia nuts) into trash.

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