These are an old fashioned flowers that grow around old homes and in cemeteries in our area. They are a bulb and have bright red with bright yellow stamen. The flowers bloom before the leaves appear. They look like a type of lily. Sorry for the photo quality!!
Red Nerine ,This is a lilly that looks like mine but .I'm not sure. It looks like the stamin is white in this.
This is a pic of red nerine: I am not sure if it is the same, but I would definitely say it is in the amaryllis family.
Thanks for helping me try to id this ladies!!Eileen I don't think it is a alstromeria. It looks more like the red nerine. I did a search on them and one site they called them blood lilies, and I think that is what Nanny called them.
Glenda's getting sooooo good at IDing plants :-D and I'n glad she managed to tell you what yours is Julie. I wonder if I can grow them outdoors here at this time of year? They would certainly add some lovely colour to the garden.