I found this today growing in the hitch of a trailer...LOL yes I did! I dug it up and transplanted it. The flowers look like a small buttercup. The leaves look suculent(?) but arent. They feel furry.
Now I knowI've seen that plant somewhere recently but I can't think where!! I'll get back to you on this one.
They are purslane, same family as moss roses, but the flowers are usually single. http://2bnthewild.com/plants/H186.htm I didn't realize they were edible, but the links I read did not say anything about the leaves being fuzzy, so maybe yours is a different kind.
They come in about a billion different colors. I use them around ponds at the edge and they crawl up on the rocks. Pretty plants.
Purslane and it comes back year after year after year after year......forever :-D That is what I planted in the old wheelbarrow years ago and late every summer since then it comes back. The wheel barrow is about half covered in it now.
This is all wrong. The flower is larger and shaped different. The leaves are small compared to the flower. Ill take a pic tomorrow of the whole thing so you can see the whole thing but I can tell you, the pics I saw when I looked up Purslane look nothing like mine.
Well I've tried to find this plant for you Denee but the closest I've come to it is a trailing sempervivum. The furry leaves make me think that the plant may be some kind of alpine though. I'll keep looking.
I have that growing everywhere!! It's really a pretty plant!! I don't know the name tho. I know you are getting tired of hearing that from me!LOL!!
Ok the closest I can find is the flower match. I think its somewhere between a Caralina Rockrose and frostweed. Heres a pic that is dead on to mine but the leaves of mine doesnt look furry but are. So its probably a hybrid. http://botany.cs.tamu.edu/FLORA/dcs420/mi02/mi02036.jpg