Woooohoooo, I love stepping out in the back yard this year. Everytime I do many different kinds of butterflies are flitting around all over the flowers. At least half a dozen of the Cabbage Whites and several Hackberry butterflies, both of which are hard to catch in pictures because they move so quickly and are hard to sneak up on. This is a Tiger Swallowtail A female Black Swallowtail, she has more blue on the hindwing than the male and possibly I will have more caterpillars showing up next year with her visiting this year. She is what comes from the caterpillars I found munching on the Fennel the other day. This one is a Buckeye, a pretty fuzzy picture since I had to stay back a ways from him, they are pretty skittish.
They are beautiful! It's always nice to know someone else enjoys all your hard work. I don't get many big butterflys mainly monarch.
Your butterflies are really lovely Toni. Sadly we don't get any of the species you photographed over here.
Those are very pretty. I only remember seeing Monarchs around here, but I'll be paying more attention now!
I just LOVE those Tiger Swallowtails! I haven't seen so many butterflies recently, mostly frittilaries and lots of tiny types (hairstreaks and skippers).
They are beautiful Toni! My family loves butterflies! My husband's dad collects butterflies. We don't use any kind of insecticides on our plants so we don't kill any of them. We have alot of chewed up plants but it is well worth it!
Buckeye is one of my favorites. It's hard to know which is more beautiful-flowers or the butterflies that visit them.