Bacon that I picked up at $2.00 a pound and turkey bacon for $1.00 a pound. Each pint jar holds about 1 half pound. It will make great egg sandwiches for the best hubby in the world for the next 6 months. Actually, I won't begin to use these for 6 months. I have old stuff I have canned that has to be used first.
Interesting! As you know Barb, I am new to all this canning stuff - is your bacon wrapped in something inside those jars? I always thought things had to be in some sort of liquid?
Never heard of this Barb. My hubby (who is MY best hubby in the whole world) loves his bacon. My gosh, the prices have soared recently! He stocks up when he finds a sale. So, do you refrigerate or freeze it? How is it kept?
Definitely does not look like aisle 3 where most of our canned stuff is located today. I remember my mother doing stuff like that. Pots of boiling who knows what and shelves so high I could never hope to reach them. Jars and lids and gaskets too. What was a three year old to do but watch and wonder. Now it seems like a lost art, jars and stuff. Whispered incantations from a well used book as spices and herbs gleaned from the summer garden were dropped into the pot. The shelves are long gone and the book… well…. almost three quarters a century has passed since that tome was seen, much less used. Now!! Will wonders appear!! An artisan with jars and lids and shelves galore!! Piled high with jars and things inside. The mysteries revealed for all to see. Thank you Barb for the trip to my past and the wonders of childhood. Jerry
Jerry Sullivan, I love to can which is an old art but I like to keep most of my processing modern. There are a few things I process like the old people, keeping safety in mind but that is just a decision I will make on my own.