Each morning my husband puts out the cat food at 6:45 a.m. Buddy insists on coming in, getting petted and cuddled, and then goes out to eat. If Timi is in the mood she shows up and has breakfast.When one of us goes out to feed the hens, the other human stays in the kitchen and Buddy get petted, treats, and cuddles. Timi does not like to come inside. We did not set these rules--the cats did. Violating the rules gets you a "cat look" of disdain. You might even be ignored for a while. You haven't been ignored until you have been ignored by a cat. We love our cats, and are ruled by them completely!
We have a cat that sits on our 6 foot back fence. Our Labrador rushes out into the garden, barks at it with his ruff up and the cat just sits there. I'm sure it knows the dog can't reach it and is thumbing its nose at him.