My bananas taste awful. Anyone have recipe for dehydrating them? moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic
I don't know KK. But I did find new recipe and they are dehydrating now. I soaked them in lemon juice and honey. They look good and smell good.
Donna, sounds like you are using the cookie sheet method as opposed to the frying pan method. Yes? Roughly, - Heat oven, slice bananas, dip in lemon juice, spray sheet, bake, turn, bake, remove, drain/cool, dip in honey, eat? Jerry P.S. Share with spouse?
Were they too green ? I have done bananas and found that they have to be perfect sweetness, even then they sometimes need to be rolled in a combination fruit fresh and powdered sugar before dehydrating .
I found the problem. I did some more bananans with lemon and honey. They look better, taste better but I still don't like them. So I guess the problem is me.
I doubt it, Donna. Mart had a good point on the ripeness, but I think we have expectations from what we are used to because there are different methods, ingredients and "secrets" of the industry that we don't know to achieve the same results. Since we have no "choice" on the varieties we get for bananas I think we don't get the end results that the industry gets. Chocolate has bananas to pick and eat right from her own tree and can't believe I don't like bananas, but if she tasted the ones we have available she would be sorely disappointed in them..... I think I would like them better if they had some flavor, not just the wet mush of "barely taste" fruit we get. on occasion I do get a banana that has a little flavor, but I don't think they taste like the ones we got 30 years ago. This may be part of the issue, but it is just my opinion, that's all.
When I look for bananas to dehydrate I get them on the mark down table. Still,,try the fruit fresh or lemon juice, pat dry roll in powdered sugar then dehydrate. Sugar will disappear.