These are mine. One pickle fork even has my initial on it. Found it at a yard sale. ( photo / image / picture from Donna S's Garden )
I like my turkey baster to gently water seeds & seedlings.I use several sizes of kitchen spoons.I have to laugh about when my daughter was home. She would go to bake something & find the measuring spoons & cake pans would be in the greenhouse.Now thanks to thrift stores I have all that stuff just for dirt. Doris
I have an old butcher knife that I use quite a bit for tearing into bags of soil or digging out thistles :-x
Mine is a pencil, I use it for picking out seedlings, making a hole and gently transplanting said seeding into the hole. next is the wonder waterer. My husband brought me one home this year from the greenhouse supplier and it is a wonderful shower type spray pattern. Stratsmom, be careful with that knife, I, too, had an old not, never had been sharp, "bread" knife. I thought I would just leave it in the flower bed tucked down in the soil next to the rock wall for weeds and such...needless to say my thumb raked across it as I was spreading compost and I nicked the artery....I have a lovely v shaped scar about1/2" long that continually reminds me to not try this again.
Given to me by my wife 44 years ago this Swiss Army Knife has been a constant 'go to' tool, always in my right hand pocket. It gets used at least once a day. Go to tool ( photo / image / picture from Jerry Sullivan's Garden ) Jerry