I would love to obtain some raw coffee beans(a dozen or thereabouts) just to grow indoors, I have found an occasional place that will have a plant to sell, but i am not interested in a grown one, I am passionate for growing things from seed myself. Even the whole foods/organic places irradiate most things. My avocados are growing as well as my pomegranates and pineapples.
Good luck with your coffee venture. Sounds like your gardening ventures are doing well. What a luxury to grow those tropical plants
DMJ--Please excuse my ignorance: are you able to grow pomegranate & pineapple year round outdoors in SC? How cold do your winters get?
Have you thought about checking out a local coffee roaster and getting green seeds from them? The germination might not be as high as seeds purchased from some seed companies, but you might have more of a selection.
I live in Greer South Carolina. So I am not in tropical zones. But i just love seeing what comes out of a seed. My pineapple plant MAY produce a little pineapple . Indoors. Not sure. The pomegranite tree and the avocado tree probably wont give me fruit because it gets cold here for about 3 months out of the year. I am waitimg for the pomegranite seeds to getmanate. I had a small one growing but it got lost and died. I did grow it in arizona. It wasn't big tho. I just love to grow seeds. We have people around here that grow banana trees. But just as ornamental. I don't think they get fruit. I will have to see if i can find a company that does raw coffee beans.