Had a terrible morning yesterday, i woke to the sound of my youngest screaming, i ran downstairs and she was in the back garden, Elvis had got hold of a baby bird ( quite big) and was tossing it up in the air.The mother blackbird was hovering over Elvis, screeching at him.I tried to take the baby away, but he just ran off, with mother bird chasing him.My little girl was in bits, i spent hours trying to explain that Elvis is a hunter by nature and that there is nothing we can do.It doesnt help that she is a veggie and a strong animal lover, so she cant see it the way i do.It really upset me too, i couldnt stop thinking about it all day.I broke a rule yesterday and bought Elvis a collar with a big bell, i dont believe in collars, but maybe it will give the birds a better chance.
Your poor daughter Catkins!!! Even I get upset if a cat comes into the garden and takes one of 'my' birds so I can imagine how she felt. I hope she's managed to come to terms with what Elvis did and has forgiven him. Let's hope the bell works.
The bell should work alright. It's terrible for an animal-loving child to see that happen. They just don't understand there is a food chain and animals are not civilised like us humans. By the way GPI has a sad/funny story about his German shepherd and a hen But I'll let him tell it, right GPI?
Hope he doesn't manage to escape his collar like our cat does - she's "lost" two of them so far, how she gets out of them I don't know. She's a hunter too, which is why we got her one in the first place and also why I have no bird feeders or bird-baths, I would feel as if I were just baiting traps for her. She should start slowing down in a couple years when all the 'kitten' is out of her and be more content to just sit and watch from indoors, and then I can... I am so sorry your little one had to see that, it's hard for kids to understand. I know mine were likewise traumatized when my cat managed (how I don't know!) to catch a squirrel.
Thanks everyone. A squirrel?? wow! Elvis is so fast! Klashy on the ohter just sits there looking beautiful, i think she is afraid to ruffle her fur My daughter has calmed down a bit now, she phoned her nanna last night and i think it did the trick. Catkins