Had to rip out all my plants from my garden Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Baby Boo Pumpkins. I still don't know what caused the disease but they all began to die and when we pulled them up all had very little root growth. We had used some wood chips and found a very large eruption of yellow fungus around one of Cajun Belles trees she planted in front we have camera trouble right now so can't send pics. As we say here in Louisiana C'est La Vie. :'( :'( :'(
Oh no .I'm so sorry to hear that Hope the tree makes it .I hope mine doesn't get that .I have enough trouble with stink bugs and squash bugs and several no name bugs.
Thanks Glendann wehave thew same problems here with the bugs on of the hazards of living in the South.
What a pity Richard. Looking forward to photos so we can hopefully help you identify what it was. Such a shame.
Fall gardens in the south are bug filled and difficult to grow. I wonder, Richard, if the wood chips were too new and sucked the nitrogen out of the soil?
So sorry to hear that. We have problems here with wilt and fungal diseases, especially after heavy rain.
Oh no, what a shame! All that work. Ah, but typical gardeners, never beaten huh....already thinking about the next batch to start! Good luck
Thanks for the encouragment everyone we already have some broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts ready for planting. We have had afternoon shower the last two days so I will have to wait to till. We are going to remove the wood chips they were well rotten, but were given to us so I don't know what type wood was chipped and I read that treated wood (even a small amount ) can cause real problems.