I have purchased a compost bin and would like to know the right proportions of brown,green and food scraps to include to make good compost.Would appreciate any feedback. Flowerlady
flowerlady I found this web site that should help to get you started. http://www.gardenorganic.org.uk/organic ... post_1.php Good luck!!
Composting Shortcuts from a Country boy Dear FlowerLady, Thanks. Here is a rule of thumb to follow when composting. brown stuff - leaves and twigs rot slowest Wet kitchen stuff - corn cobs, broccoli or cabbage trimmings, leftover food - rot next fastest (or slowest) Grass clippings, weeds, hay, straw - rot quickest AND You can speed up the Hot-Rot Process - by getting Oxygen to the microbes doing the work. A - IF you have no nearby neghbors to object to the smell. You can do less work mixing in Grass btwn layers. B - If you want to keep the smell down. And make Compost faster. Then you have to Jump in and actively TURN and mix the compost. Alan