Gardening Tools Made By Blacksmith, (Old Traditional Way).

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by S-H, May 17, 2024.

  1. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Just a while ago I was passing through an area near my locality called Gizri. Which around a hundred years ago was only a tiny community of a fishermen settled in a village. But now it's totally urbanized beyond recognition, (yet the name Gizri continues).

    Now there are many craftsmen who have set up shop here in the old style. From stone carvers to masons, carpenters as well, and a few blacksmiths too. Accompanied by modern hardware stores also. Including paint shops of all types. As well as automotive workshops. And in the last decade and a half, mobile phone shops too have sprung up like mushrooms.

    But blacksmithing is now sadly a dying art here in this area. As nobody young now has the patience to invest in such a skill, (specially when there is no quick money to be made from it)...

    I went to buy some earthenware pots for my plants, (clay pots which have been hardened in a kiln) - It's the best and very cheap option for plants in my hot climate. As it keeps the soil cool.

    IMG_20240517_132824_068_copy_2296x1008.jpg IMG_20240517_132822_074_copy_2296x1008.jpg

    However I saw a blacksmith who was selling gardening tools he himself had made in the corner of this makeshift roadside stall. Turned out it was the same family business, (all cousins). They do sell earthenware pots, but one of them is now continuing with their family tradition of blacksmithing, (as a hobby).

    This below was their setup.


    What they had on display were gardening tools, and a little of other masonry tools. All made by themselves of course. So I took these pictures to share over here with everyone. As this is how they use to do gardening traditionally - Before modern mass production.


    Now I had already made my own gardening tool, (a 2 in 1 fork and spade). So I thought to myself, why not buy a few of these to go with what I had made - They are very well made and cheap also.

    Therefore below is what I got from them just a while ago.


    They feel very good in the hand. And are obviously built to last a very long time.
    Frank and Pacnorwest like this.
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  3. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    Nice selection of gardening and masonry tools that are still used today . The clay pots are hard to find today. Most are plastic which don’t last as long as the clay . It’s hard to find a blacksmith today unless he works as a farrier.
    S-H likes this.
  4. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    I passed that area again yesterday. And it seems that now everyone wants the gardening tools they make.

    I guess a lot of people (exactly like me) are tired of those 3rd class quality of tools imported from China, which are available at gardening shops - That don't even last an entire season. Plus they are costly too... Yes they sure look good with attractive paint and ergonomic grips. But what's the point, when they don't last long?

    So in comparison to that, a lot of people are now buying these. And guess what? Their grip too isn't all that bad either.


    Besides, I think they are are now very nicely complimenting the gardening tool which I myself made recently.

    Just need to give these all an anti-rust treatment. Then a few coats of paint - And these will last a very long time.

    Pacnorwest likes this.

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