Gilly's Allotment

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by Gilly, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. Gilly

    Gilly New Seed

    Feb 8, 2015
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    I decided this morning to give the council until 11.30am to ring me up otherwise I was gonna be back on the phone to them ~ I've been calling them all week to try to get an allotment after reading in our local paper that they were after new tenants as five plots were spare. They must have sensed this because at 11.10am the phone rang and it was Mr B. from the council. He arranged to meet me at the plot at 11.30 so I dragged Neil out of bed and he came up with me [​IMG] The plot I've been given used to belong to an older gentleman who has had to give it up as it was too much for him so it HAS been well cared for over the years. It's right next to the path alongside Hulne Park too so an absolute riot of birdsong will surround me as I work [​IMG]

    I was absolutely twitching with excitement as Mr B had told me on the phone that it was one of the best allotments up for rent and had a polytunnel, a greenhouse AND a shed!!!!! [​IMG] I think he had me at polytunnel!!!!! [​IMG] I was just GOBSMACKED when I saw was immaculate [​IMG] Huge polytunnel, small greenhouse, medium-sized shed, four water butts full to the top, a watering can, two composting areas and five beds of incredibly well dug soil that just crumbled in my hands!!! [​IMG] The only thing that needs any work is the paths which are a bit mossy and Neil says that won't take any work to strip off, put liner down and gravel on top to make a path that won't get muddy [​IMG] I thought it was a full size plot but apparently it's not - it's a half size plot with water so an absolute steal at just £35 per year!!!!! [​IMG] It's certainly got more than enough land for me to grow more than I could ever eat and loads and loads of flowers [​IMG]

    We were given the key there and then and I'll get the paper work to sign posted out to me next week and I'll pay the year's rent (£35!!! Jeez I've spent more on cat food in a week or a single book in the past!!!!) on Friday 27th when I get paid.

    We had a good look around after Mr B left and Neil took a video and I took the piccies below. We then headed home to get a new padlock for the gate and Neil's tools to break into the shed as we didn't have the key for that. I chucked a few pots, compost, seeds & bulbs into a bag and headed back up with Neil and whilst he broke into our shed I got on with planting my very first seeds - Nasturtiums 'giant climbing mix' [​IMG] Neil soon got the old rusty padlock off and when I had a look inside I thought I had won the lottery for the second time that day - it had a few hoes and other small tools and DOZENS of seed trays and plant pots....more than enough to get me started [​IMG] It also had five boxes with potatoes in, some of which I can salvage to possibly plant out. I've got no idea what variety they are though so it may be best just to chuck them away and buy some named varieties...I noticed Wilkinsons (local shop) had a few on offer. I also had a look along the packs of seeds on Wilkinsons and I'm absolutely blown away by what's on offer...where do I start? [​IMG] It's certainly going to be a steep learning curve for me this coming spring & summer as I've just realised I know NOWT about growing vegetables because I've only ever grown flowers! [​IMG] I plan to get quite a few flowers going on site too though ;)

    View from the gate looking up the plot

    Inside the poly tunnel

    The greenhouse


    Plot next to greenhouse with raspberries (?)

    View from top corner

    Neil's shed ~ girls not allowed :p
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  3. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Wow! PolyTunnel, Greenhouse, shed and a plot??? That's amazing. No wonder you're so excited. Can't wait to see it fill up with lots of goodies.
  4. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Oh my husband and I are sooo green with envy. We have our names down for a plot near us but are still on the waiting list. :( I doubt that we'll be lucky enough to get a shed, greenhouse and polytunnel though as well as all the seed trays, pots and tools that came with yours. It certainly looks like you have landed on your feet as your allotment, with a little effort, will be up and running soon. What a bonus having the water butts and gas cylinders as well as a handy little potting table. I have a feeling you and Neil are going to have fun this year planting everything and watching it grow. :smt003 Do keep us updated with lots of photographs won't you?
  5. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    WOW what a great allotment and for so little $$. I am looking forward to photos of the progress you make there.

  6. 2ofus

    2ofus Hardy Maple

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Idaho Mountains
    I am so happy for you. You really were lucky to get such a nice allotment....and the soil looks ready to plant. Congratulations and keep us updated with lots of pictures.
  7. Donna S

    Donna S Hardy Maple

    Feb 15, 2010
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    You did hit the lottery with all that and then some. I'm so excited for you.:sete_013:
  8. Gilly

    Gilly New Seed

    Feb 8, 2015
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    I was prepared to get a weed-strewn open plot with nothing on it to be honest and we had already priced up a few basic tools like spade, fork, hoes, and a small plastic greenhouse to shelter in if it rained. I was walking around the plot this morning thinking ''Eee I can't accept this - it's too nice!'' but then thought that if I didn't get it then someone else would! :p We've had a run of bad luck this past two years so I suppose it IS only fair that SOMETHING good has happened at last ;) Mr B. showed us another plot for rent three up and it was an open plot full of creeping buttercup so I'm glad I wasn't offered THAT one!!! I once dug up my mother-in-law's back garden for her in the 80's and THAT was full of creeping buttercup too :confused:

    Don't worry....there'll be lots of updates and even more photos and LOTS of questions as I am a complete novice at this :D Apart from digging over a patch of soil in the garden at the farm cottage in 2005 and chucking in a few spuds from the fridge I've never actually grown vegetables - it's always been flowers with me :) I still intend to have a lot of flowers on site but I'm looking forward to learning about veg too.
    Jewell likes this.
  9. KK Ng

    KK Ng Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2009
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    Malacca, Malaysia.
    A very big CONGRATULATIONS :smt023to you Gilly!!! Let the green fun begin! :)
    Gilly likes this.
  10. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    I am SO excited for you Gilly! What an amazing space you ended up with, well tended and the soil looks great! (I'm not going to mention how jealous I am of your greenhouse and poly tunnel :smt118) I can't wait to see what you do with it!
  11. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Hello Gilly,

    Welcome to the Stew.
    It was great to see that you got your lottie...and with lots of extra stuff as well. The buildings and bare ground space all look so inviting. I have visited some allotments over there, but yours looks to be the best one that I have seen.

    Anyway, you have your lottie and the growing season is on its way. I for one, shall be looking forward to reading about your progress.

    I am excited for you folks!
  12. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    Wow Gilly, I am GREEN with envy!! Your lottie looks wonderful, with such rich, prepared soil and a greenhouse, shed, polytunnel, etc. I look forward to hearing about your progress. I bet other folks at the allotment will be helpful to you with advice.
    Gilly likes this.
  13. Gilly

    Gilly New Seed

    Feb 8, 2015
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    Spent a couple of hours there today measuring out beds and sorting through the potatoes left in the shed to see what I could salvage to plant out in a few weeks when the soil warms up enough. I seem to have three different types - normal brown ones, pinkish ones and purple ones (no idea on varieties) Turns out, when we dug through the stuff in the shed, there were SIX trays of potatoes! A few had obviously been a mouse's winter supplies and were well nibbled so they've been chucked out but there's a good amount left over to grow on. I only managed to sort through four trays before I had to pack up to take Hattie to the vet for her blood test at 2pm. I'll do the other two tomorrow morning before I have to head off to work at midday.
    I've moved my nasturtiums and bulbs into the greenhouse because it's more cosy than the polytunnel (which is actually quite draughty because the bottom section is green mesh stuff rather than plastic) and also the potatoes (need to check on how to chit them in preparation...whether it should be in a light warm spot or a dark place?) and just generally enjoyed myself. It just felt SO tranquil and relaxing on the allotment...I can see me spending LOADS of time there in the coming months!
    A few pics from today...
    I had some sprouting baby spuds in my fridge *blush* so why waste them?
    My potatoes
    Purple spuds?
    Sjoerd and Frank like this.
  14. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    :setc_029:I love, love, love to hear a new gardener's enthusiasm! Your allotment is a treasure, and I'm so happy it fell into good hands.
    Here in Texas we chit our potatoes two or three days before planting, and just put them on a plank across sawhorses, outside in the shade. Check with someone in your area before you follow my advice!
    There are lots of flowers that are compatible/helpful for vegetables. Marigolds repel nematodes; spearmint deters ants and aphids (not technically a flower, but it is pretty in bloom); borage discourages tomato worms and is a great favorite of bees; and there are lots more. (Just keep the mint in a pot--it can put creeping buttercup to shame in the invasive department!)
    May I suggest that you get in touch with the elderly gentleman who had the allotment? He will be a fount of information and advice, and a bouquet or a few vegetables from the allotment might mean a lot to him.
    You are going to have so very much fun!
    Gilly and Cayuga Morning like this.
  15. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    What great advice, MG. Especially to get in touch with the former allotment ?resident? ?owner? (I don't know what he/she would be called).

    So MG & Gilly, what does it mean to 'chit' your potatoes?

    Gilly---If I had your lottie, I would definitely be hanging out there regularly! I hope you meet your neighbors soon & connect with some of them.
  16. Donna S

    Donna S Hardy Maple

    Feb 15, 2010
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    Wow you could grow enough potatoes to feed an army with all those.

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