My poor old kitty Crazy is going to kitty heaven today. He is 17 years old and can no longer function. It is painful to watch him so it is time. He will have his own little garden to rest in. Good bye, my furbaby. Crazy May 27, 2009 ( photo / image / picture from Canadian Chelsea's Garden )
I'm so sorry for you, CC. It's always hard to part with our furry friends, but you're doing the right thing. *hug*
It's hard to make that final decision Chelsea but I'm sure you're doing exactly the right thing for Crazy. He'll always be with you, both in your heart, and in your garden. RIP little cat.
You're allowed to cry, CC. *big hug* I cry buckets every time I have to make that decision. We love them, and the pain of them leaving us hurts. But he'll still be with you in your memories.
I'm tearing up and sniffling as I read this. I am so sorry. Hugs are coming your way. I cannot even imagine the pain and hurt. I think about my Missy Mama, she is 15. Deanna
Its always so hard to say good bye to old frienda and loved ones be it animals are humans.I'm so sorry about Crazy but if he can't have a quallty life here he need to go where he can.I'm sending big hugs your way.
So sorry to hear about Crazy, Chelsea. Cry all you want, it hurts like heck now but will get better. I still start crying when I think about the day last August when we took our Field Spaniel Rambo to the vet's for the last time.
Beautiful boy... He's hunting again in kitty heaven. As hard as it is, it is better for him... Take good care and I wish you peace.
Crying cleanses your soul of pain, so you just cry all you want. I am so sorry for your loss. My heart and hugs go out to you.
My heart goes out to you - hugs for you It is so sad when we need to make that dreaded decision. Take care and remember all the good times you had with Crazy.
I am so sorry to hear that your friend has reaqched the end of the road. There's no easy way to do the best thing for him, but a good friend you don't let suffer. You must have had many years of fun with your companion. Wishing you the strength necessary to get through you can see--you can always count on us for a modicum of support.
e-hugs for you CC. Let the tears come and take comfort in knowing you took the right steps to help him cross over.
Thank you all for your kind words of compassion. Thank you for caring. (((hugs))) When I was getting ready to take Crazy to the vets, I happened to walk by the front door and there he was, sitting by the front door. Crazy never does this so I got the feeling he knew what was happening. I think Crazy was tired of his life here and was anxious to go play with all the other furbabies in kitty heaven. He was such a good boy during the car ride just looking around at the scenery without a meow. Crazy could be very vocal but not this time. When I brought him home, my dh had already dug his grave but first he brushed him, hugged him and wrapped him in his favourite blanket and placed him in his final resting place. We are going to miss that little schmuck.