I am very new here and absolutely new to gardening. I brought home a potted plant from a yard sale.It is a very small plant that looked like grass.However the blades are not flat but like a half cut pipe with hollow middle and raised sides(sorry this is the best I can do).The blades are dark green in color.I repotted it as the pot it was in was cracking and I saw that it had bulbs underneath in which a lot of thin white roots are present - hundreds of roots actually. Can you tell me what kind of plant is this - will it flower or should I just throw it away?
Nooo, don't throw it away! *lol* I don't know just what your plant might be, someone else might recognize it by description, or, if you could post a photo it might be something that we would know on sight. But even if not, it's always fun to wait and watch for the surprise "AHA" moment. I will add, that most all bulbs do bloom in some form or other, in fact, I can't think of any that don't, just offhand. And WELCOME to the wonderful world of gardening and to The Stew.
Hi Tina, A photo would be excellent if you could possibly muster one up. I have an image in my head of what it looks like but my image is quite messed up I think if and when it blooms you it would be easier to ID but if you can get a photo we may even ID before then. Welcome to GardenStew!
Hi Tina and welcome to our Stew. Noooooo don't throw it away.It would be fun to play wait and see.Be sure and let us know what it turns out to be.It could be anything and it should bloom.
Thanks for your replies.I am not throwing it away. But it better bloom. Anyway, I will wait for it to either bloom or die.
It would probably help to know what area you are in, I mean, we have members from Scotland to Louisiana and the plants we grow can vary alot! Could be garlic, could be grape-hyacinth, could be fun to just find out! Welcome to the Stew!