Grass with vine roots?????

Discussion in 'Lawn Care' started by Roo, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. Roo

    Roo New Seed

    Aug 13, 2014
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    Hi everyone, a newbie stumble here trying to figure how did my grass start to grow roots in the form of a vine? I can' t fine any site that can identify this grass or weed, so I come to the experts.
    So far I have found it creeping into my front flower garden and I have pretty much been pulling it out by hand. I'm not sure where it came from either since it looks like the rest of the grass till I go to pull it. Also, I live in central NJ if that helps. Any advice or theories will be a great help ;);)

    Look before pulling out of ground ( photo / image / picture from Roo's Garden )

    After I pulled it out ( photo / image / picture from Roo's Garden )

    Another view ( photo / image / picture from Roo's Garden )

    A batch just in case ( photo / image / picture from Roo's Garden )
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  3. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Welcome to the forum, and welcome to the wonderful world of Bermuda grass!
    It is very invasive, although a good lawn grass. Pulling by hand works, and having some sort of barrier for your flower gardens helps. We have a 1' trench around our flower gardens, which gives us a place to chop off the runners with a spade, and then pick up the runners and put them on the compost pile.
    Someone else may have better advice (at least I hope so) so keep your options open!
  4. Roo

    Roo New Seed

    Aug 13, 2014
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    Thank you for the fast advice. Now I have some direction of research.
  5. Tacticalgardener

    Tacticalgardener Seedling

    Oct 19, 2016
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    Yes, looks like a type of Bermuda grass. It spreads by runners. This type of lawn grass as well as saint Augustine grass are popular in the south because "real grass" doesn't do well here. It has its advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage is it creeping into your garden. I have both grass types I mentioned, both spread the same way, but my saint Augustine grass creeps faster. What I do is have one of those borders around my garden that you dig in a couple inches. It will still try to creep over it, but it is easy to trim when it tries to climb over. I use an edger along the border when I cut my lawn. It's simple. In my opinion, dealing with that is better then re seeding and all that.

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