GreenHouse Dome - Desperate for help!

Discussion in 'Greenhouse' started by hwilson18, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. hwilson18

    hwilson18 New Seed

    Mar 1, 2010
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    Hi all.

    I am new to the gardening world, but am really excited and having fun learning. I recetly purchased one of those small greenhouse kits to start veggies in from seed. The instructions were a bit confusing so I wanted to make sure I had this right...

    I filled the spaces with soil, sowed the seeds, and covered. I got that much and I understood those instructions..easy
    My concern is, is it okay to leave it outside? I am in Oklahoma and its definitely getting warm enough everyday (70+).
    When do I remove the dome? And how do I know when they are ready to be moved into my garden?

    Also. I have bought baby plants of Jalapeno and Bell Peppers and have already started Parsley and Cilantro (they are growing really well). I was reading on here about feeding these plants...So I bought some organic liquid feed for herbs and veggies, but I am so scared on what to do next!! I've read to do half stregth and whole stregth and I have NO clue how frequently I should use the feeding liquid (every week, every other, every month..)

    And lastly, when should I start using the liquid food on the ones I have started in the greenhouse dome?? I figure at least not until they started to sprout, but wasn't sure if I should wait until they were at a certain maturity...

    I really appreciate any advice and guidance. I have done so much research to learn what I know, but I cannot figure the answers to these questions!!

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  3. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    I am in Texas so our temps are similar !! First let me say just relax and have fun with your garden !! You might make a few mistakes but that is how we learn !! For your new plants it depends on your soil type how often you feed them !! Rich soil with plenty of organic matter/manure might not need feeding but every two or three weeks !! Other soil types might need it every week !! I would find someone in your area that gardens and ask them to look at your garden and advise you about your soil type !! All gardens benefit by adding organic matter !!
    Your new plants can stay uncovered with the warm weather we are having !! Only time I would cover them would be to protect them from a hard rain !! I would not feed them till you plant them in the garden !! However adding compost/organic matter will feed them a bit if you top dress them !! When you start feeding them use half strength till they get a good root system started !!
    That is how I would do it !! Hope you enjoy your home grown produce this year !! Keep us updated on your progress !!!
  4. hwilson18

    hwilson18 New Seed

    Mar 1, 2010
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    thanks so much!! That really helps.

    I am using an organic potting soil, so I would assume thats a pretty rich soil since it claims it helps feed your plants to grow them better...

    I really appreciate the answers!!
  5. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    It does help to a certain extent but the bagged stuff that you buy is not as good as some you can probably find locally !! If you know someone that has horses,, horse manure with a little added straw is excellent and will not burn your plants as long as it has aged and dried completely !! Just mix it with your soil !! If you have a lot of trees where you are,,leaf mold is another source !! After you rake the leaves in the yard till them into your garden !! All of this is just added fertilizer and will make your plants grow and produce like crazy !!!

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