Growing daylilies from seed, questions

Discussion in 'Seed Starting / Propagation' started by Catherne, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. Catherne

    Catherne New Seed

    Aug 4, 2017
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    Hello everyone I am new here, I realized this year that daylillies have seed pods. I have had my garden for about 3 years.
    I started some daylily seeds in a moist paper towel in baggies 4 weeks ago, now what? I have never tried to grow daylilies from seeds, the seeds I have are seeds from my own flowers and ones I bought off ebay.
    Do I just plant them in soil now? I will be starting them inside and planting them in my garden later.
    Philip Nulty likes this.
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  3. Jerry Sullivan

    Jerry Sullivan Garden Experimenter Plants Contributor

    Nov 10, 2010
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    Chelmsford MA
    Hi Catherne,
    If your seeds have sprouted then by all means plant them. Be sure the soil stays moist but not wet. you should see a small green sprout that will get 6 to 8 inches tall. Like a blade of grass. This is all you can expect the first year. Next year they will emerge and grow to about a foot tall. The Third year you may get a small flower or two. In the forth year you will see flowers. Pictures will help. Disease and animal pests are almost non-existent. It takes awhile for flowers so be patient. I have hundreds of daylilies from seed over 40 years and it is always interesting to see what mother nature has crossbred.

    Good luck,

    Philip Nulty and Frank like this.
  4. Catherne

    Catherne New Seed

    Aug 4, 2017
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    I have about 150 seeds in the fridge now, I used the paper towel with peroxide and water mixture in a baggie method. They need to stay in the fridge for another week that will be week 4, after I reach week four, do I just take them out of the fridge and set them outside in the baggie still? This is all new to me with seeds.

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