I found this great forum when I was looking for forums on home decorating/developing etc etc - this will be the section I will be found the most in I think. I have nothing against gardening but I am far happier with a hammer or paint brush in my hand We have a small garden (approx. 120m2) which at our families time of life is really a play ground for our daughter so most of it has a climbing frame on it and what with the shed, guinea pig runs and my pond, there isn't room for many flower beds :-? - they are all low maintenance boarders etc. Anyway, enough of waffling on and I hope I can be of use in the future.
Hi Govig, welcome to the Stew. Hope we can be of help to you too. My hubby doesn't garden but his expertise with a hammer and nails is well used in the garden.
Hi Govig and a warm welcome to GardenStew. We hope that the 'Garden' in GardenStew doesn't put you off too much and that you'll join in the discussions
Thank you everyone for a warm welcome and Frank I am not put off by the garden in GardenStew I cut the grass in the back garden - so there how about that for expertise!! Oh and then there's the strimming and the moving around the heavy pots on my sack truck .....who knows where it will end!! Now to find an avatar picture..Hmmmmm
Hi Govig and welcome! Ya got some interesting words there that I don't know. What's a sack truck? And what is strimming? I like learning new words.
Welcome to GardenStew Govig. :-D I'm another DIY enthusiast from West Lothian in Scotland. We have so many things here of interst, apart from gardening, that there's bound to be lots you'll enjoy.
daisybeans - just for you...... A strimmer as I call it simply is a tool for cutting grass which is difficult to get to with a lawn mower: Strimmer ( photo / image / picture from Govig's Garden ) and a sack truck is this: Sack Truck ( photo / image / picture from Govig's Garden ) I love the sack truck - I am planning on my retirement not being ruined by a bad back! In my ignorance I thought they were universal terms - soz
Welcome to the Stew, Govig, from mid-Norway. I like your sack truck, and have one much like it for use in the garden.
Aha! I own both a sack truck AND a strimmer. I'm not very fond of the strimmer (weed whacker) at the moment as I can never get the thing to start for me. I think it needs a tune-up. But I do like my sack truck (hand truck) as it's handy for heavy pots and blocks, as well as my wheelbarrow. I need to fill the tires on my sack truck, one is close to flat and that won't do, will it? Daisybeans