Hello everyone, I am a newbie to gardenstew as well as gardening. I am a student pursuing my masters in architecture. I decided to try my hand at a small balcony garden quite recently. Hoping to have a thriving balcony garden soon
Hello and welcome! Yes you've definitely come to the right place. You'll find everyone over here to be very friendly and most helpful. This is actually the perfect place to bounce gardening ideas back and forth with others all around the world!
Hi Namita and a hearty welcome to GardenStew! Please keep us updated on your balcony garden adventures!
I began with planting few coriander seeds but sadly they didn't survive... However now I have planted tomatoes and coriander again. I am not very sure but I feel they are fine now. At least hoping so... Attaching a pic from today morning.
Tomatoes are too many for a pot of that size. Usually one plant for each pot is what I do. Otherwise as the grow, roots of one plant will try to strangle the other, (fighting each other for mineral resources in the soil, as well as water). However this depends on which type of tomato plant are these? However three plants to a large size pot is what I will consider being the most that I'll be able to get away with... Your container to me looks like it's a small one, or a medium at best. But still, it will be an enjoyable experience to watch them grow and at least give you a few tomatoes. Seriously, don't worry too much about this, and just let the growing cycle come to it's conclusion - I mean, this is how we all learn. So your next attempt will only get better with more experience. If however you want to fix this, then you need to separate the smaller seedings into their own dedicated pots. Bigger ones might not survive the transplant, (so don't bother trying). Anyway there is something else that you can try. Please see this video below... But whatever you do next - Please continue to enjoy gardening and growing. So do keep sharing your progress with us over here.
Welcome Namita! Good luck with your tomato and coriander seedlings. Will you grow them indoors or eventually plant them outside?
Hello there. For now I am thinking of growing them indoor as much as possible. Because frankly I dont have access to proper space outside.
Growing them indoor is indeed possible, (fun too). But like any other plant which otherwise enjoys full sunlight, you'll need to substitute with another strong source of light. Very easily accomplished these days with cool temperature yet high power LED lights - But what about the electricity bill?