I am new to GardenStew. I stumble onto this site while searching the net for help with lawn issues. I live in Frederick, MD. I have a patchy lawn with a mix of various grass varieties all of which are unknown to me. In anycase, I really like one of the grass and would like to re-seed the rest of the lawn with it. Of course I need to identify the grass first, hence this post. The grass tends to grow in bunches and has a very thin, almost needle like, leaf. I am attaching a few pictures that I took and I really hope someone will be able to identify it. Thank you very much. ( photo / image / picture from razuah's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from razuah's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from razuah's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from razuah's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from razuah's Garden )
Hey Razuah! This grass from the pictures looks like a tall fescue. Tall fescue tends to grow in large bunches and has thin blades like you described. I hope this helps BostonianChick