8) Hi Folks, Was just browsing Gardening forums and found this one interesting. I love gardening, Animals, nature, and last but not least children!! Herbs and Roses are my favorites. :!: I do have to say it's by a slim margin, as I have a passion for them all!! Now if I jus had the $$ to match. lol
Hi Herbyann!!! So glad you could join us here at GardenStew. Looks as though you have a friend here already. Hope you soon make many more on the forums. I too love gardening, animals and nature but must say I'm glad my kids are now grown up away away from home now. Gives me far more time to go out and 'play in the dirt!!! Catch up with you later.
Hey Herbyann, so glad you could join us Small world this Internet place, people can meet up over different sites GardenStew.com is still relatively new and small but we have a nice friendly community already, I love it! Looking forward to getting to know you BTW I have moved this thread to the General Discussion forum 8)
Yup it's the herbyann I know. First post and ya already did it in the wrong place, Sort of reminds me of the mystery plant game being played on the member image posting area, Or the reason we don't do GG any more. Well don't feel bad I had my wind chimes post in the wrong spot here I guess. The bird houses and bat houses are with them too in :?: Home Improvement . :?: Still buying the honey sticks? Al
Hehe Al I know the wind chimes topic in Home Improvement was a bit strange but I couldn't think of anywhere else to move it to Oh yeah and now that you remind me I think I will move the bird and bat topics you started into the Wildlife forum 8) Suggestions are always welcome if you find that the site is missing some forums or anything else. Sorry if I hijacked this thread a bit Herbyann , I will return it back to you now....
Herbyann understands hijacking. She comes from a place where they hijack posting areas to play guessing games. So I will reply that where my post go is determined by the sites owner after I try to use my best judgement on the correct spot. On our forum I would have posted all three (wind chimes, bat houses and bird houses) in either the hobbies or craft section since they are home made things done in a work shop. Al
Al, You're absolutely correct. I forget sometimes that we have a Hobbies and Crafts forum . Moving once more (last time I promise )
I never looked for a crafts or hobby section even though I know there is a hobby section where I told about my girls. Al
LOL LOL I feel right at home here. heh heh Yep it's me Ally one of your and the girls biggest fans. Where are yer Bee threads here?? The fact that this was a fledgling Forum is one of the things that intrigued me. So much possibility. Still with gg, but felt the need to streach my wings a bit. I already like it here!! Good work Ya'all
I only have one post about my bees here that I remember. Of course I still suffer often with elder moments and crs. The one I remember is in the hobby section and of course there is my blog as to how I got started with them. Kare and I worked hard, taking the pictures and editing them,(some days we would take 80 pictures and only keep a couple), resizeing them for posting, and uploading them to a place where we could transfer them to the fourm.) just as every one else did to provide online garden tours. Then came the new people who were playing the guessing game pushing the pictures pages at a time to the arcives in just mear hours. I deleted all but 93 of the 3800 post there and those 93 would be gone too if I could have found them. :? No I do not agree with you moderaters, that they could post there because of the pictures they posted. The section was listed Member images, not images found willy nilly on the internet for a game. Al
Herbyann - It is indeed a fledgling forum (will be one year old in January). The growth has been good, the number of forums has increased, the design has been radically improved and last but not least we now have the ability to start a blog if we want. (by the way everyone, don't forget about the Blog Awards Q4 2005 - still over a month to go) You betcha! Al - As regards posting games we have the Jokes and Games forum so all of those kind of posts will go there. Finally I have tracked down some of Al's bee posts: - The girls that sweeten my life - Beekeeping - Some of the bees & butterflies favorite flowers - A good book about Honey bees