How To Grow Partridge Pea in Gardens

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by justin249, Dec 1, 2021.

  1. justin249

    justin249 New Seed

    Jan 28, 2020
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    Partridge pea plant is also known as sleeping plant and they are Native to North American that grows on prairies, meadows, riverbanks, open woodlands and sandy savannahs across much of the Eastern half of the United States. Partridge pea plant is a member of the legume family, the plant is a critical source of nutrition for ring-necked pheasant, quail, prairie chickens and other grassland birds. Partridge pea plants in gardens provide attractive, bluish-green foliage and bright yellow, nectar-rich blooms that attract bees, songbirds and some species of butterfly.

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