Hope they are in a migration pattern ! They need to go home ! None of the little birds can eat ! There is nothing left when they get done ! if I put out more food they come right back !
I get that here too at this time of year, Mart. It was so bad that I had to make “ cages “ around some feeders. I feel forya.
We have an overabundance of brown headed cowbirds and of grackles. They clean out the feeders and then sit in the trees and yell at us! Weekends are count days for Cornell U. and we had a flock of over 100 grackles yesterday. We stopped counting at 100, but there may have been more.
These were grackles too but hubby calls them magpies ! I think they may be the same species but haven`t checked ! Also had a ton of red wing blackbirds ! So far,, no cowbirds ! But a few may be mixed in with the blackbirds and I didn`t notice !