I have it on a piece of re bar into the ground out in my veggie garden. I am going to use some of that e6000 glue and put a pan on it for a bird feeder. I have an old pan akin to a cake pan--but it has vents in the sides, so I think it came from under some kind of stove burner? -- and I am using it for a bird feeder now. I just need to move it and put it atop that old truck horn. I hope the birds will wipe out the cucumber beetles for me. I am thinking of moving the bluebird house to a post on the horse pasture too? I don't think they used it last year. I did do some heavy pruning around it, and hope I did not murder my grapevine by doing that. The bluebirds are here, and I would like them to enjoy their little house again. Doing the hole for the two bolts to fasten it might not be do-able? I have it on a metal pole now, and the hole/s was/were already there. I am not sure how to get a picture posted here when I get one because this is a public computer, and no downloading is allowed. That likely includes uploading too? I have a flash drive and can use a portable version of Firefox --I sure wish IE had a portable version!, and have my picture files on it. If it was allowed, would they stay here or not? [The library's computers are needing some major updating here, so they do not work as well as they could. That is in the works, but the wheels of city govt grind so slowly at times.] I will take a picture as soon as I get it done, and hopefully with birds enjoying it. I don't know if I can post it, or email it to anyone though. ....Aha. I just asked the ladies here, and they said it would be okay to upload my pictures sometimes. So, when I get it done, I will take a picture of it, and post it.
Hi AA, if you have a flash drive you should be able to select files from that drive when choosing a photo to upload here. Did you see the image posting help topic? http://www.gardenstew.com/threads/how-to-post-images.34683/
thanks Frank. I need to take the picture still, and put it in my flash drive... I am glad to know it will work good.