In the spirit of sharing photos and info about where we live...

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by vitrsna, May 21, 2015.

  1. vitrsna

    vitrsna Seedling

    Apr 16, 2015
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    Colima, Mexico
    Where can i start? Colima is the third smallest state in the Repubic of Mexico located in central western Mexico on the Pacific Ocean coast. I live in the city of Colima which is the name of the capitol city of the state of Colima. I am located about halfway between the Volcan de Fuego (Volcano of Fire) and the Pacific Ocean. So, perhaps i will begin with our volcano which is one of the most active in the world. Our volcano is about 13,200 feet (4000m) above sea level. Near the end of November 2014, the Volcano became lively with a high level of activity that literally blew its top off during an approximate 4 month period of time. Fortunately for us, the winds carried all of the ash that was emitted during this time to the north and east. The "Mountain" is not feared, but rather much beloved by the people here. This short video shows Mother Nature taking care of business with one of the larger explosions that happened in January/February 2015.
    Last edited: May 23, 2015
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  3. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    WOW! Vitrsna, that is amazing! How do you know that you & your city is safe?
  4. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Very interesting to hear about your location Bev. What are your year round temperatures like?
  5. Dinu

    Dinu Seedling

    Apr 21, 2015
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    Mysuru, India
    Really amazing to know about people living 'peacefully' in the vicinity of an active volcano. Also equally amazing to know that even trekkers trod the lava-flown path up the hills.

    Mysore [Mysuru] is a relatively peaceful city even now, but getting spoiled by 'development' which is too rapid and too negative for the general health of the city and its dwellers. It was ruled by the Wodeyar [also Wadiyar] Dynasty by 26 successive rulers till 1970 from 1399. I live within 2 kms from where all that history started. The Palace and the lake in front of it - they dried up the lake in the 1930s. I was fortunate to see the last ruler who was such magnificent human. His uncle was probably the best from 1902-1940. My grandfather and his father both were known to the Royal Family. Without such noble rulers our city would not have been what it is today, but less said about the present admin the better. I have many photos of my forefathers with the kings as they were elite citizens of those golden days, which I was also lucky to see till 1970 when the Privy Purses were withdrawn. The Prince of the last ruler remained as a Scion till he died last year. Now, I mean now, in fact next week, the new ruler will be coronated. Young man, 28th in succession. The last two happen to be more of a custom.
    Mysuru is identified by a grand hill on the south east. Chamundi Hill. Goddess Chamundi. In fact, a thousand years ago, it was already a known location as the abode of Lord Shiva. You know, our Indian Mythology has so many things like this!
    I'll return to this later... have to leave the computer.
    Henry Johnson likes this.

  6. vitrsna

    vitrsna Seedling

    Apr 16, 2015
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    Colima, Mexico
    I am going to ask @Dinu to start a new thread on his city of Mysuru (fc Mysore). He has some fantastic photos and stories that deserve its own thread and if he has his own thread, it will encourage him to share some of them with us:)

    Cayuga, I think the biggest threat here are earthquakes. The last large one was in 2002 (before my time here) and was an 8.2. There are some people who live on El Fuego who have to be evacuated sometimes (although they never leave), but it is generally thought that the lava and rocks (lava bombs...biiiig rocks) would not travel so far to be a threat to most of the people in the area of the city. I am at an elevation of 1800 feet (545m) which means the debris and lava would have to travel 11,400 feet to get to me. For the most part, the wind takes the ash to the northeast of Colima city and dumps it on some small innocent and unsuspecting pueblo in the mountains:eek:. Although, when i am driving or walking around i will notice some monolithic rocks in some field or other open land and i am mindful of where it is that they came from. The power of the mountain is so awesome to experience and to see that i don't think people think so much about whether or not they are "safe". I have never given it a thought.

    @Frank, Last time i checked the annual average temp is 78 degrees F (26C)...that includes night and day, all year. It is lovely being at the base of the mountain, because hot air from the low lands rise, cooler air from the mountain rushes in to take its place and the results are lovely cool breezes in the afternoons, sometimes.
    S-H, Dinu and Frank like this.
  7. GinnyC

    GinnyC Seedling

    Dec 29, 2014
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    Virginia, Zone6
    It's very nice to about where you live. I think I would be a little nervous about the volcano, but I guess you get used to it. A natural disaster can happen anywhere.
    You must have very fertile soil where you live.
    vitrsna likes this.
  8. vitrsna

    vitrsna Seedling

    Apr 16, 2015
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    Colima, Mexico
    Here are some views of the City of Colima today and yesterday. As for the video of today, i would have not have chosen some these images in favor others. For example, we have here a fine bustling river that comes down from the mountain. Maybe i can find some images i like better (or take some of my own) but for the time being we have:

    As for the City of Colima past (way before my time here, if i were doing the old city of my heritage, it would be San Francisco, CA, USA):

    Next, there may be some additional images of the City of Colima, Mexico and then we will be off to the beach!
    S-H, Dinu and Frank like this.
  9. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    At first glace, all I could think of was the rich volcanic soil - Ideal for plants and trees! My mouth was actually watering as I watched the first video. :) Because my soil over here where I live is very sandy, and saturated with sea salt, (as this area of Karachi known as DHA is built on land reclaimed from the sea, way back in the 70s). Which is why we import soil from inland for our gardens. It seems to work well, coconut and palm tree also do very well here (as they are not bothered by salt build up). However some tropical trees like mango for example start to suffer very badly when their roots reach the salty sand level... Also the ground water is salty too, and in some areas it is just 2 to 3 feet below the surface.

    Anyway, then I saw other videos of Colima in this thread, so I guess Colima is indeed a place very rich in culture too! So I for one would really like to visit such a location! It really seems calm, with beautiful weather and scenery - But most of all, no pressure of a big city's ultra fast and devastatingly hectic pace of life. Thus an excellent place for a memorable vacation! :like:
    vitrsna likes this.
  10. vitrsna

    vitrsna Seedling

    Apr 16, 2015
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    Colima, Mexico
    wait until you see the beach S-H and i really need to do some better photos of the City. Every city in Mexico, whether it has 25 million people or 15 people has what is called El Centro, the city center which consists of a park with a gazebo type structure for musicians or politicians...a gathering place for the folks in the town; dancing to the music in the park, or just enjoying the company of the other people there. The main meal of the day is traditionally taken here between 2-4pm in the afternoon...working folks will return to work 4:30 - 8pm (theoretically :) My favorite beach is part of a federally protected nature reserve. There is a facility dedicated to protecting the turtles (a tortugario) and also the green iguanas. Surfers come from around the world in April/May for the large green waves, but they fit right in to the party-hardy surfers, no loud music...not checking out the girls or boys...eyes fixed on the waves. I tell people (whatever they call their god(s), this is the place they go to relax. The little town is small and relaxed...funky, not pretentious...2 or 3 small hotels not taller than 2 floors. I think the soil farther up the mountain is good...not so much where i am although you would think. The soil mostly is full of really big rocks. I bought soil that came from the mountain. Any way, i'd like to get some good photos of El Centro to share (since it is the heart of every city); and the beach...i never take a camera when i go to the beach.
    Jewell and S-H like this.
  11. vitrsna

    vitrsna Seedling

    Apr 16, 2015
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    Colima, Mexico
    Here are a few images of El Centro in the City of Colima. As I mentioned, at the center of every city, no matter the size there is a park. The City of Colima is also called the City of Palms, but i think it should be the City of Parks...they are everywhere. Here is a view of the city center park (Parque Liberdad). In the center you will see the kiosk where cultural and civic events take place
    El Centro 01a.jpg

    A partial view from the park of the government building
    El Centro 02a.jpg
    Another view of the park and kiosk
    El Centro 03a.jpg
    A passage way of shops, businesses, restaurants
    El Centro 04a.jpg
    Church and government buildings facing the park
    El Centro 05a.jpg
    A view of one part of the Mercado Obregon, one of two of the market places in El Centro
    El Centro 06a.jpg
    View of the park and building with shops and businesses
    El Centro 07a.jpg
    This gentleman is rumored to sit in this same location in the park every day, reading the same newspaper, no wonder he is nicely bronzed...silly rumors.
    El Centro 08.jpg
    El Centro 09a.jpg
    Church, government buildings, clock tower
    El Centro 10a.jpg
    Civic march of men against violence toward women. Doesn't look too well attended, or maybe these folks are bringing up the rear. At any rate, it is a an effort much appreciated.
    El Centro 11a.jpg
    The trees and the clear blue sky speak for themselves.
    el centro 12.jpg
    S-H likes this.
  12. Dinu

    Dinu Seedling

    Apr 21, 2015
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    Mysuru, India
    Benches, buildings and cleanliness. Good. The last image reminded me of Mysuru! Looks like the yellow is Tabebuia tree and the red is Spathodea. Here too we find such asbestos/tile combo roofs, walls are rented for advertisements - so similar. Of course, the coconut trees provide a backdrop.

    Dinu.... from the City of Palaces!
  13. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    I'm happy you're showing us your hometown. It looks so lovely!
    vitrsna likes this.
  14. vitrsna

    vitrsna Seedling

    Apr 16, 2015
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    Colima, Mexico
    Thank you, cherylad, although i cannot claim Colima as my "hometown". I was born and raised in the US. Colima is my adopted town and i really do love it here. I have another few pictures coming up of my favorite beach that is very close by.
  15. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    Excellent share indeed! :like:
    vitrsna likes this.
  16. vitrsna

    vitrsna Seedling

    Apr 16, 2015
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    Colima, Mexico
    Hi S-H...i haven't seen you around for awhile, it seems. Have you been on vacation? Thanks for enjoying the thread. I have one more set of photos to add...we're going to the beach! I think you will find it very camels, no elephants, no vehicles...well you'll see:stew2:

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