Today it was coldish and with a stiff wind. We began taking down bloomed- out plant stems to mulch the beds with. We also took out the very last of the parsnips…the “B-Team”, shall we say. The rainwater butt was removed, cleaned and stored in the greenhouse. The thing is that it keeps raining, so in order to prevent that corner from sinking down into waterlogged soil, we came up with this simple contraption: flexible tubing. A length of pvc tubing, a watering bottle used for toms during the summer and a veggie crate used to transport veg to the Food Bank. The contraption was anchored with duct tape and lengths of wire. My Bride gets full marks for this concept. Then supper: we processed most of the parsnips but saved a bit for this stirfry, among onions, runnerbeans, courgette from our garden along with some sliced store-bought paprika. For meat, we used chook.It was delicious.
Sjoerd garden clean up is coming along. The winter will soon arrive. Great photos of winter prepped garden. The veggie garden dish looks scrumptious. Yumm… See ya soon for the leftovers.
Heh, heh, heh Pac— y’know, I like the richer flavour of leftovers more than the day it was cooked originally.
I like the rainwater butt Sjoerd. Very clever idea. I'm filing that away for next spring. I loose so much rain water from the greenhouse roof. I don't have to worry about soggy soil, but that may work for collection also. Dinner looks wonderful! And a beautiful parsnip harvest. ( I sometimes make a dinner just so it can rest until the next day - it always seems to taste better).