Kitchen Backsplash Behind Stove

Discussion in 'Interior Design' started by kats642, Aug 21, 2019.

  1. kats642

    kats642 New Seed

    May 6, 2010
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    I think I want a copper backsplash behind the stove. I don't want a tile backsplash because of the grout which would get dirty.
    I have looked at a lot of different options. I've looked at tin ceiling tile, real sheet of copper, the sheets of copper with different patinas.... I don't like the look of copper after it darkens with a patina. I have a copper sink and I like it, but wish it didn't get so dark or turn green around the edges.
    I'm not the type to try to keep it shiny like it was when it was new. I'm fine with how the sink is, but would like something for a backsplash behind the stove that will not change color, is super easy to keep clean and can handle the heat from the stove. I don't know if I want a sheet of copper or some sort of tile. I know I don't want anything to busy or super light and shiny, since it wouldn't go with the countertop. I would never go with plastic that looks like copper(not that it could be used by the stove by heat even if I liked it). Also, there are so many looks and color variations of copper, copper color tin etc., I don't know what would look best. It also has to be easy to clean if grease etc splashing on it.
    I've heard that tin tiles are not good to use near heat and also that there are products you can use to seal real copper to keep it from aging and darkening with a patina, but don't want to have to keep resealing it.
    I have no idea what to do and was wondering if anyone had done a copper or copper look backsplash behind the stove or if anyone has any suggestions. Thanks!

    Cayuga Morning likes this.
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  3. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    In looking at the beams above that area and with the colors of the counter top I would choose a textured copper tile that looks similar to ceiling tiles with a wash of color to compliment the counter top colors !! Some of the copper color needs to show through the color wash !! A plain sheet copper would be boring and a pain to keep shiny !! You need some texture there !!
  4. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    I like your advice Mart.
  5. kats642

    kats642 New Seed

    May 6, 2010
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    If you are talking about tin ceiling tiles, I've looked at them and not only could I not find anything that would look good, but they can't be used near heat. I've been thinking about it, and if I can't find anything copper that would work(look good, handle heat and not change color), then I am open to any other suggestions of something else that might look good.

  6. kats642

    kats642 New Seed

    May 6, 2010
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    Any suggestions of something other than copper or tin tiles? Would some sort of rustic off white ceramic/porcelain tile look good? I was considering botticino tumbled marble because it's rustic and I really like the slightly tumbled edges but it has a beige coloring in it that doesn't go with the countertop. I don't like super plain tile and anything with more than one color to it is too busy with the counters.
  7. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    Well,, I was talking about a color wash,, not a heavy paint layer !! Have no idea why tin could not be used with heat !! But even consider this,, ceramic tile comes in hundreds of variations !!
    Yes the rustic off white would look good if you added a few accent tiles that have a bit of the copper color !! Or consider a medallion directly behind the cook top in copper and the rustic off white everywhere else !!
    Doesn`t even have to be real copper just something with that color,, even copper in the tile would work !!
  8. kats642

    kats642 New Seed

    May 6, 2010
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    The problem is that I can't find an exact tile thst looks good with the countertop. I was hoping someone could give a suggestion of an exact one that would look good.
  9. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    kat642: I can relate. We actually have the same problem in our kitchen. I'll attach a photo. We selected the granite counter top, tile floor and cabinets without thought to the back splash & now we don't know what to choose.

    Re your dilemma, if copper tiles are not feasible, I would bite the bullet and choose some kind of other tile: granite, ceramic, etc. Just not marble because that stains easily, especially behind a stove.
  10. kats642

    kats642 New Seed

    May 6, 2010
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    My problems Is that I've brought home a ton of samples of different tiles and nothing looks good with the countertop. I almost went with botticino tumbled marble, but realized that will each tile looking different, the beige in it won't work with my countertop color. Wondering if anyone might have a suggestion of a specific one that would work.
  11. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    Hi Kats. I don't know what to suggest. Have you gone online & looked at the thousands of tiles available? Would you consider paying a consultant for a recommendation?

    How about going with a plain or textured off white tile? How would that look if you edged it with a rounded (?bullnose??) tile made of the same granite as your countertop?

    Ok, now I would like to pick your brain!
    Here are photos of my problem kitchen. Like you, we have no back splash. IMG_20190827_084950.jpg IMG_20190827_084934.jpg IMG_20190827_084928.jpg IMG_20190827_084753.jpg

    And here is a pic of the floor tile
  12. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Previous house, no backsplash and I loved it! I could just wash the painted surface if something "splashed" on it. Now we have tile backsplash with grout--awful! I am constantly scrubbing, trying to keep it clean or at least not life-threatening, and I wish we didn't have it.
    Consider going with a good quality paint that is advertised as "scrubbable" and forego the backsplash.
    Cayuga, you are my soul mate with castiron pans, simple and clean surfaces, and oh my, those lovely cabinets! You even have a compost pail!:like:
  13. kats642

    kats642 New Seed

    May 6, 2010
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    cayuga, I can see either a very plain tile or even copper color with your granite. Maybe a glass tile depending on your style. What is your style? Modern? traditional? Rustic? Country?

    I've always had painted walls and thought they were hard to keep clean. Even good paint would come off or I would see where I wiped. I really want a backsplash.
  14. kats642

    kats642 New Seed

    May 6, 2010
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    Here are more photos of my kitchen. photos came out a bit dark. Ideas?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 29, 2019
  15. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    Hi Kats,. I like your kitchen! I like all the wood. Your counter looks reddish in these photos. Is it? It looks different than the very first photo you posted days ago.

    This does not answer your question about tile, but what about using a color on your back splash? I see a lot of beautiful wood...beautiful but neutral colored. I would be tempted to experiment with color....a yellow or a slate blue. Something that with go with the wood and the counter. You could always install the granite behind the stove to make that area easy to clean (& maybe behind the sink?), then just paint the rest of the back splash area with a very good quality paint on a bright color.
    What do you think?
  16. kats642

    kats642 New Seed

    May 6, 2010
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    the backsplash in some areas and certain light does have a very slight pinkish purplish color to it. The bulk of it looks brown with spots of orangish pinkish. Any beige or other brown does not go with it since it has that slight pinky purple. Before it was sealed to darken it, it actually was very lavender. That's why I'm having trouble with a backsplash. Plus, it is actually very busy, so a backsplash that isn't plain or almost plain doesn't work with it. I almost went with butticino tumbled marble, since I thought it would go and love the tumbled edges and white veining in it, but it has beige in it and since each tile is different, some will have more beige, which actually doesn't go at all with the counter since the counter is as if brown was mixed with lavender to make a color that isn't exactly brown. That's why it's hard to find something that would go. If I could find an off white tile that was tumbled on the edges with white veining, I'd probably go with it, but I can't find anything.

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