I've changed my four year-old Lenovo laptop for a "refurbished" HP. The Lenovo developed a common problem with them, When it felt like it the "t, y and back space" stopped working. Usually in the middle of me typing an e-mail. There was a "get-around" in that I could finish the e-mail, typing as usual, then I could go into "symbols" then copy and paste the missing "ts" and then the "ys." I put up with that for a couple of days. Anyway my friendly local computer shop sorted me the HP for which I traded in the Lenovo and they moved all my stuff programmes and trivia etc.,over). I've a year's guarantee with the HP. However the bulk of my "stuff" (financial records, photos, mp3s, correspondence etc.,) I keep on a separate hard drive, so was unaffected. I was only without it for a day. So for me, it wasn't a problem. I can't find it now, but I'm sure the meme on another board would amuse some. It was a photo of a girl with a laptop and the caption. "It's been all of five seconds and I've yet to receive my password retrieval e-mail."