Larval Hosts for Butterflies

Discussion in 'Butterfly / Moth' started by hummingbird3172, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. hummingbird3172

    hummingbird3172 In Flower

    May 22, 2007
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    Zone 9b Saint Cloud, FL
    I've been trying to plant the larval host plants for all my favorite butterflies so far I have:

    asclepias for monarchs and queens
    passiflora for fritillaries and zebra longwings
    paw paw for zebra swallowtail
    cassia for sulphur butterflies
    parsley for black swallowtails

    I'm in the process of getting some spicebush for spicebush swallowtail and trying to grow Aristolochia for the pipevine swallowtail.

    Does anyone know something that Tiger Swallowtails really like? I've read willow and cottonwood, but I wondered if there was a certain type they prefer.

    These are the ones I know off-hand. Any information is very much appreciated.

    I do have parsley, but it is a small plant, and doesn't seem to get the attention of prospective black swallowtails. Any other suggestions for attracting these?
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Tiger Swallowtails are attracted to Buddleia, honeysuckle, bee balm, sunflowers, lilacs, willow, birch, tulips and cherries.

    Eastern Black Swallowtails = celery, dill, fennel, carrots, caraway, lavendar, parsley, rue, yarrow, Queen Anne's lace.

    The Spicebush Swallowtail - Lantana, jewelweed, honeysuckle, sassafras, spicebush and bays

    Pipevine Swallowtail - honeysuckle, orchids, azalea, wild ginger, Dutchman's pipe, knotweed, pipevine and snakeroot.

    Also, all of the Swallowtails just love the pink Mimosa flowers too. My Fennel and rue have been the favorite of all the Swallowtail larvae and caterpillars in my yard.
  4. hummingbird3172

    hummingbird3172 In Flower

    May 22, 2007
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    Zone 9b Saint Cloud, FL
    Thanks Toni!
    I am pretty good for the nectar plants...I just planted 10 buddleias and most of them are blooming. I have most of the nectar favorites and seem to be beginning to reel them in.

    I am really trying to focus on the larval plants since I enjoy watching the cycle so much.

    For the black swallowtails...will they use yarrow as a host? I didn't realize that. I've planted some caraway seed, hoping it will grow well in this humidity. I was hoping that was one...I don't think I'll be able to get queen anne's lace to grow here...I wish because I just love it.

    Alot of the trees that the tiger swallowtails like don't do well here, cherries won't. Would they like a weeping willow? I might be able to find one of them.

    Do you know which larval hosts some of the smaller butterflies prefer?

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