Fast approaching is the 10th of June which happens to be my birthday, the start of the world cup but most importantly 6 weeks after i sowed my lawn seed. Once the grass is cut 1. do i have to continue to water it every day? 2. how high do i set the blades for a)first cut and b)normal cutting? Basically my plan is after the first cut, weed and feed it once/twice a year and if the grass looks a bit shabby and it's very hot - water it. - Would this be ok? Also any tips on a good £50/60 mower would be great! MB
Looks like it's been a while since you've asked this question, but maybe other people will have the same problem I found this advice at "Mowing: Begin mowing newly seeded, sprigged and plugged lawns after the grass has grown to a height of three or 4 inches. Cutting is best done with a reel-type mower because it is less likely to uproot seedlings and plants with the powerful vacuum action of today's mulching mowers. If you don't have a reel mower, use a rotary mower with the throttle set low. In your first mowing, just remove enough to give your lawn an even appearance (1/2 to 3/4 inches). Next time, cut to the maximum height recommended for your grass variety but not more than 30 percent of the leaf in any single mowing. Do not mow a sodded lawn for at least 10 days after installation and until the grass has begun to grow. Once again, if you are using a rotary mower set the throttle low to avoid lifting and chopping up pieces of sod. Once established, regular mowing will encourage lateral spreading of sprigs and plugs." ... ngfor.html