Lawn moles help controling or???

Discussion in 'Lawn Care' started by Dave, Mar 28, 2009.

  1. bsewnsew

    bsewnsew Hardy Maple

    Feb 3, 2007
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    I 2nd the mmotion.
    I am going to check Lowes and Home depot also.
  2. starface000

    starface000 Seedling

    Apr 15, 2009
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    Western New York
    Sorry, Dave. I didn't mean any offense. I just wondered if maybe your community was a new development where the moles naturally lived but now have to share their home with new buildings. Or maybe you live in a rural area where rodents are common.
  3. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    Barb I do not raise Caster Beans at all because they are very poisonous.They are beautiful but they do not need to be near children or animals.
    Dave I do not like the moles either.They tunnel under my plants and take them into the tunnel .They like to move bulbs to different places like into the fields.Most bulbs are poison to them for eating but they move them and they cut plants roots off.I am not ashamed to kill them.They can cause you to break and ankle or your neck if not careful.The cats do take care of a few.
  4. bsewnsew

    bsewnsew Hardy Maple

    Feb 3, 2007
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  5. rambomom

    rambomom New Seed

    Apr 25, 2009
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    northeast, tn

    I'm not against killing the invasive mole population I have that has kill what little flowers I've been able to afford over the past couple of years. We tried a tip from a pest control guy, he said put juicy fruit gum in their tunnels recently active. My cat catches a few when she is out side. They have moved from the back yard to the front. We don't have a really nice yard but what we do have is o.k.. Until the moles found it. It looks like someone took a tiller to our yard. I know we have grubs. Our grass is disappearing more and more. I've heard of castor bean from my husbands grandmother, but don't know where to find the seeds. Does anyone know of a product that will get rid of both pest? I love to plant flowers, but I'm spending what little money I have on mole food. As of right now I'm only going to put plants in pots around my porch.:smt071
  6. bsewnsew

    bsewnsew Hardy Maple

    Feb 3, 2007
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    They really made me angry last summer.. I put in new red lava chips aroung my door sides , and her comes the moles digging tunnels......Putting dirt all thru the job well done........

    I was beside myself how big of tunnel they do dig.
    Astonished is more like it..
    Still fighting in Penna.
  7. starface000

    starface000 Seedling

    Apr 15, 2009
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    Western New York
    I love plants, but I love animals even more. I'm sure there are natural and safe ways to get rid of the moles. And if not, then maybe keeping moles happy should be a new hobby. :)
  8. bsewnsew

    bsewnsew Hardy Maple

    Feb 3, 2007
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    Moles make my cats happy......

    Whats for supper .Here I come. Yum......

    I raise beef cattle , they are very useful.
    Ask the hamburger industry......Thats their reason for being......
  9. Watertech

    Watertech New Seed

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Ricin (deadly nerve toxin) is the derivative of the castor beans. I will usually use a pitchfork to make the holes into the runs. At that point I simply drop the beans into the hole. This will no doubt drive them off. However, If you have a large property this is a very time consuming method which you will inevitably spend months chasing them out of your yard. These plants are also referred to as "tick" plants as the beans look just like smaller ticks.

    I do not have much success with the plants themselves warding off the critters. It seems to be the beans.

    NOTE: These beans are very deadly and 3 will kill a child and about 8 to an adult. Keep them out of reach of children and warn inquisitive ones of the dangers. Its better to make them aware than hide it and there own curiosity take over. Watch your dogs around these beans after you bury them.

    Good Luck!!!!
  10. Papa2mykids

    Papa2mykids Seedling

    Aug 19, 2006
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    Kentwood, Michigan
    Listen up all!

    If you live near water or a woods, expect moles.

    While many think grubs are the #food, it is actually earthworms, followed by grubs.

    All the above stuff will only make them move to another part of your yard, not kill them.

    Every part of the Castor bean plant is deadly (3 beans will kill an adult human).

    However, Castor oil will chase them away if used properly. You can buy bags or spray, but you must use it every 3 months.

    There are a couple of good baits.

    First, if you can find "RCO Mole Patrol" Pellets you spoon down little holes (follow instructions on the can) Smells like natural food to them. They feed and 99.9% die under ground.

    TomCat makes bait that looks and feels like worms and grubs and uses the same chemical to kill. This is more expensive, yet effective.

    Michigan State says both baits are 100% effective when used properly.

    Moles are territorial, when one dies another will take over (usually a female).

    Cats aren't natural in the new world, gum kitty litter, bleach and other smells will force them to make a new tunnel.

    They use the same runs as long as there is food. No food, a new tunnel.

  11. Gardening Grandma

    Gardening Grandma New Seed

    May 27, 2009
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    St Louis Missouri
    Moles are a very pesty thing! I just had to redo my yard to get rid of the moles that invaded it. What I do is this, I dig into the hole or find where they are going in at (if possible) and stick hair in the hole. Human hair, where do i get this? At the barber shops or any hair shop would be happy to give you their hair clippings. What this does is the Mole gets the hair onto its body and it itch's them to pieces and they move onto another yard away from the hair, and in the mean time, the hair will not hurt your lawn cause it all breaks down into a great provider for the soil! It does work, I have used this every since I heard of it years ago from Jerry Baker.
    Good Luck!
  12. davek4

    davek4 New Seed

    Jun 11, 2009
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    Jacksonville, FL
    I have tried EVERYTHING there is available to purchase for controlling moles. The smoke bombs are the most effective, but you must be good at placement without making the tunnel collapse.

    The 100% most effective way to get rid of moles is to catch them. I have caught 15 of them over the last 2 years. Here is what you do:

    1. When you see a new trail from their burrowing, you grab a hand shovel and a little bucket or empty 1 gallon plant container.

    2. VERY QUIETLY, you get as close to the tunnel mounding area as possible and try to see where the mole may be currently located. Squat down and just watch and wait (could take . It must be quiet (do not bring your dog outside with you!). If there is a LOT of mounding, you may have to go straight to #5.

    3. When you see the tunnel mound move, showing you where the mole is generally located, you drive your shovel in at a slight angle and pop the dirt UP. Usually, the mole comes with it. The first few times I did it, I severed the mole killing it. However, since then I have perfected the method and start my insertion of the shovel a few inches back from where the active movement of the ground is happening.

    4. After popping the mole out of the ground, if it is not severed and dying, then put it in the container, get in your car and take it to a park nearby and release it. Or you can drive by someone's home who you do not like and drop the mole in their yard, lol.

    5. If no movement happens after 5-10 minutes or so, or there is just too much mounding to find where the mole may be, then you must push ALL of the mounding back down so it is level with the ground.

    5. Go back inside and wait an hour or two (or just keep looking outside to see if there is new mounding).

    6. When you see new mounding, go to step 1.

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