Moonflower Blooms not opening

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by cherylad, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Each plant has it's own temperature, water and sunlight requirements so you really can not compare them to your other plants.

    It isn't just dark that they need, Moonflowers are tropical plants and need heat to germinate and to bloom, the air temperature needs to be consistently 70 degs or warmer day and night and the soil temperature needs to be in the 65 deg and above range. Not knowing where either of you live it's hard to determine what the problem might be but cool temperatures could be the problem. Most typically they do not start blooming on a regular basis until July, especially in northern areas. In Texas, they could bloom earlier.
    Also, if you are feeding them with a plant food high in nitrogen, that encourages
    vine and leaf growth but not blooms.
  2. Plant mommy

    Plant mommy New Seed

    Aug 31, 2016
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    Ugh, so I planted my moon flower in May, it is a healthy plant. The vines aren't big at all unfortunately, it stopped growing vines but buds started. Took a couple of weeks for a green bud to come out. The flower started to come as well, but like others, it looks like it's about to open, and then it falls right off. And no it's not a spent flower, I sit all night watching it. Not pests, watering regularly, gave it food twice in its life because I heard it helps the vines but doesn't flower if you feed it too much.
    I get really attached to my plant babies, when I woke the first morning I saw a flower I was so excited to watch it open, well I mean seeing it opened. But it just fall off. It broke my heart. But there was another bud, so I waited another couple of days to see that one open and same thing. So far, four of the buds have done the same thing now I need advice. It's in a small pot and I think that's why the vines just stopped, but I'm scared to repot it at this stage since it has buds. I don't want to shock it. What do I do? Why is it just falling off before opening? Someone please help me?!
  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Hi PlantMommy, where are you located. We don't need exact just what country or state that will help us give you some good information.

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