Hi everyone. This is a photo of my lawn and as you can see it is in desperate need of some TLC. I have bought the seeds that are supposed to be slow grow. The idea is that I can have a nice lawn that doesn't grow very quickly and is very low maintenance. Would anyone have any advice on how to proceed? As I am a total novice gardener.
Hi and welcome. That's quite a small lawn and fences will mean that it'll be shaded for part of the day,which will restrict the growth. It looks like you've "allsorts" growing in there. If it were mine, I'd get a skip and remove the top layer, kill off any residual weeds and then turf it. Given what most people have in their gardens who visit this board, the amount of maintenance required for something that size is going to be minimal.
The seed you bought are all fescues. They like cooler weather, and grow pretty fast. Kill your yard, mix the seed with 5 or 6 bags composted cow manure and spread it out. Grass will pop up in 2 weeks. Fertilize it 4 weeks with a starter fertilizer and micronutrients mixed with humic acid. Keep it moist. It will be a lovely green carpet.
Yeah its not the biggest garden but would be nice to have a lawn and a lawn only lol and ideally one that low maintenance
I was told this is a slow grow grass , does slow grow grass even exist . I was looking for something that didn't require much maintenance. Thanks for the tips , I've never done this before