My pets

Discussion in 'Pets' started by Pinkiered, Mar 4, 2006.

  1. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    I was typing this out once before but the post closed so I had to start over.....

    I have three dogs...

    Kiwi is a Boxer/Whipett mix. She was brought to me as a rescue when she was just weeks old. Someone had dropped her off on a sidewalk at a busy intersection. Her little head looked like a kiwi fruit so I named her Kiwi. Sweet thing. She will be 6 yrs old this month.

    Then theres Scrapie. He is a Wirehaired German Hunting terrier. He is also a rescue. Someone thought it would be great to take him from his mama at birth and handraise him. They didnt know how and momma wouldnt take him back. So I took him. He was sooooooooooooo tiny! We carried him around in our pockets! He looked like a little black dust bunnie with legs! He is hard to bathe because his top coat is waterproof! He will be 6 in Nov.

    Missy is my baby girl!Shes a Beson. She is a rescue too. She was brought to me 4 yrs ago. She was beaten so bad that she was black from nose to tail. Her owner had kicked her in the head and messed her eye up. She had been kicked in the side and ruptured her intestines. We dish out alot of money to keep her alive but I would do it all again. She is the love of my life! Not a mean bone in her and she is a delight to have around! She will be 6 yrs in Sept.

    We have two cats. Mouse and Chase. A brother and sister. Mouse is a tiny little thing with hugh green eyes. She will head butt you in the mouth when she wants kisses. Her brother Chase is a huge tom that right now weights almost 45 pounds! He has been banished outdoors because he doesnt know how to behave indoors. He still thinks he is a kitten! They both live up to their names. Mouse is a mouser that will stalk and hunt anything that moves and Chase will chase it if it moves tho he doesnt kill it. He just likes the run.

    We have a Ball Python named Monty. Hubby named him not me. He will be 5 in July. He is 4 1/2 ft long. Very tame and sweet unless he is hungrey then he is a nasty little thing. When he turns 6 we plan on use him as a stud.

    Then theres the two mice he wouldnt eat. They are now pets! Two little white mice. One is blind and his name is Thermen. His cage mate is Standford. Dont ask! HA! I love to watch them. Thermen is blind is he is sniffing everything. When I change thier bedding, he will push it all to one side of the cage then back again. So funny. Standford is the naughty one. HE is the great escape artist. And he loves to run in circles. At night he will run around his whole cage just as fast as his little legs will go! But if you stick your hand in there, he runs to Thermen for protection! I just love them!

    Ok thats it....... for now. I want a sugar glider, some birds and some fish! HA!
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  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I'd love to see some photographs of your pets Denee!!! They sound fantastic. I'm glad your dogs are all rescues - I just wish more folks would take on dogs like yours instead of always wanting to buy them from breeders. You obviously have a big heart. :D

    My daughter has a Western Hognose Python that she's had since it was about 6" long. Now it's over 2 foot and doing really well. She's not long finshed building a vivarium for it from scratch - clever girl that daughter of mine - must take after her mother of course. :D :D She also has 3 gerbils and a hooded rat that are better housed than I am!!! ;)

    When I did my vet. nursing I was forever taking in waifs and strays and treating wildlife before returning them to their natural habitat. I would love to do it all over again.
    I still take in the odd injured bird or small animal but have no pets of my own now since our Labrador, Blue, died. :( Now my husband and I spend our spare time doing the garden and travelling whenever possible.
  4. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    Im sorry to hear about your Blue. Its so hard to lose them. All my dogs since I was a kid were rescues and Ive lost quite a few of them.

    When we first got Monty Python he was just a tiny thing. Just born. He was about 5 inches. So little! Not anymore. He is get big fast! He shedded again last night. Ill be feeding him next weekend. He eats every two weeks tho tho winter he doesnt eat at all. We have to force him to eat once during the winter. But its a sign when he sheds. He will be hungery soon!

    I just love animals. Every type. I was born in July so Im a Cancer. We love to garden and love animals tho we arent too big on people! HAHAHA!

    Once my camera is all charged up (still packed away somewhere) Ill take pics of my babies and the horses out back.
  5. Kimberly

    Kimberly Seedling

    Mar 27, 2006
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    I never new you had mice!! Too cute!! :D

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