Just for laughs. I wonder if any one else sees the puppy face in this pic. Is it just me or do others see a puppy face with tongue hanging out in this pic ? Like looking at clouds we see images in the sky . Natural pic of peony flower going to seed. Same pic outlined with pen adding puppy details following the natural lines on the flower with fuzzy face and tongue hanging out. What do you think ?
D’ja know what Pac…if I look st your piccy, I can also see a mole peeking out of molehill. Haha…I am going a bit weird now. Hallucinations because of lack of food, I suspect.
Creepy moles and gophers…I’ve seen way to many of those in my garden… it’s a stretch . Mouse and poodle pup ! Resembles - Caricatures - cartoon like… Mickey Mouse. Maybe since plants can resemble caricatures in our gardens like clouds can resemble animals, people, etc… Let’s see if anyone else has a plant that resembles a caricature or resembles something in your gardens. ‘just a fun question , couldn’t help myself to pursue others imagination. Tomato faces,,etc. See link pic…when your fruits make a face or….resembles animals etc.
Pics are from the internet showing examples of fruits showing caricature's of faces or objects. No veggies were hurt during the set up for pics.