Hello, I got brown, very-dust-like seeds from these local/wind orchids that I have in my garden. I know you need a CSI lab to germinate these... but I only have my two hands, pots and dirt. and Any experiences you'd like to share with me???
I don't know anything about these and since no one else has answered you, neither does anyone else seem to be able to help. That said, can you mimic nature for starting them, what kind if soil do they normally grow in, what Ph do they normally have. Can you use sphagnum moss in a plastic bag, sprinkle the seeds/spores which ever they are, add water to the bottom of the bag, close the bag and tuck it away in a shady spot ( no direct sun should be on this, it will super heat and kill you seeds) for the time being,and then just keep checking on them weekly until you see something. This may take a long time or not. Sounds as if this will be trial and error for you unless someone else comes along to help here. Keep notes on how you did this and if you are successful or not. The notes will help the next time you decide to do this or someone else may need your expertise.
I've never attempted to grow orchids from seeds Calin but I found this link which may be of use to you. http://www.hardyorchidsociety.org.uk/ Edited to say that I know it's a UK site but I would presume that it would be the same proceedure for most orchids.
Wow, Eileen and Cal, there is a lot more to growing the seeds than a normal seed. Interesting, though. GOOD LUCK Cal!
Yup. I read all over the net how almost-impossible it is to get these tiny seeds to germinate. I will just try some the "regular, normal" way and if they decide to germinate... good!
orchid seeds So did you make any progress on the orchid seed germination? Inquiring minds wanna know. I always loved the wild ones we have here, the Rattlesnake orchid and the Lady Slipper. never tried to multiply them but in the wild they don't grow big patches but there'll be a few plants sometimes in a small area.
Hello R.H. Well, that's old story. I found an orchid grower in Germany and sent all my seeds to him. This was fall 2011. He said he'd start germinating them in October. This was 3 months ago. I guess I should ask him. Rattlesnake and Lady slipper ??? WOW...
It's the yellow Lady Slipper that we have here and there are couple more tiny terrestrial orchids native to Tennessee but their names got away from me. One I know has only one leaf and a blossom stalk.
Nice orchids! We've got them growing wild here too, and they're blow-in plants in my mother's garden. It seems they self-seed very well if left to their own devices. I do hope you'll be able to get some of your own. Good luck if you decide to try.
This is another wild orchid I have seen in forests. Blooms kinda smallish and not that showy... I know there are some lady slippers in Romania, but I haven't seen any around here. Probably in remote areas
Those white orchids, do they have a scent? We've got a wild one with greenish-white blooms that don't look like much at all, but in the evening they release a fantastic fragrance. It's called Platanthera bifolia.
Thanks Theo Droopy I think this one got a fragrance... I will see if the 3 I collected and planted in my garden are ok this spring. They are quite common even around the forests around the city (like 10 km, around a resort (hotels, swimming pools) so the forests are quite visited by people. Which means these orchids escape people - as the blooms are not that interesting and showy - or they reproduce heavily.