Need some greenhouse advice

Discussion in 'Garden Design' started by petunia, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. petunia

    petunia Young Pine

    May 13, 2006
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    northern michigan
    Well, last year some of you know we started putting up a large commercial greenhouse. We weren't able to finish because the snow came in early. So now its finally weather friendly and time to get it finished up so I can get my vege's in the ground. Our question is:

    **Should we go with the clear covering like most have or we thought about putting a blue canvas on?

    Our idea of the canvas instead is-some large greenhouse people have the clear plastic but still put a black netting over the top for more shade.
    My thinking was that it may get too warm inside with the canvas but we'll have plenty of ventilation as you can see here is the pict from what we have going on:
    new greenhouse ( photo / image / picture from petunia's Garden )
    picture this with no snow-thank goodness its all gone.
    Now as you can see we'll have the 2 windows in the back that we can open and also that sliding door. In the front will be another sliding door with windows on the sides, this will be our ventilation. so please give your answer, advice on what you may think would work. Canvas or clear plastic
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Wouldn't the canvas block out light the plants need? It isn't an open weave fabric that would filter the light.

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