About six weeks ago a friend of mine had two border collies dumped on her by a woman whose circumstances had changed. One was well trained and sold quickly. The other is a very small eight month old male that Ron nicknamed Steve when he saw him. Steve is a little wild but he is gathering the whole flock for my friend. She has too many dogs and said he would have to go to a rescue organisation soon if she can't find him a home. I'm planning a litter later this spring so I knew I could not take him on. But last night at dinner Ron surprised me by saying that when I go to my friend's on thurs. I should just bring him home. Ron has never had his own border collie and I never thought he'd take one because he is so fond of Australian Cattle Dogs. He said he just wanted the little fellow to have a good home. So we'll be back up to six dogs this week. Then seven when I keep the pup from the litter Pete sires. Are we crazy? muddy
Nope not crazy in the least Muddy. :-D I would have done exactly the same as Ron. 5,6 or 7 dogs I just know they'll all be well taken care of and given a loving home with you. You must try to take some piccies for us of Steve once he settles in with you.
Not crazy just got a heart as big as Dallas.If I were younger I would be doing the same thing.I am able to take care of Oreo but he tends to have a mind of his own and desides to do what he wonts to.I have to watch him so close when I'm outside with him .Don't turn your back on him for anything as he is off running.I couldn't handle any more than my little Oreo.
Dog-crazy is a more apt description Muddy but they are not going to send the men in white coats for that. I think it is great that you are giving Steve a new home. He is going to be very well looked after, lucky thing
No, you're not crazy. I'd fill this house with animals if I had the space / money. Steve is a lucky boy.
You are crazy but aren't all of us who have animals. I never thought that I wanted 3 cats but now would be lost without them. (I'll never admit that to my husband though.)
I think Steve has found himself a wonderful new home, and I'll bet you'll all be one big happy family. Crazy? Well maybe you are, a little, but I once met some folks that weren't crazy, I wasn't really all that impressed.
Wow, that's a bunch of doggies. And you will love them all. They are the lucky ones...or maybe you are.
Oh man, your very own dog pack. I aspire to this. The most we ever had was four and two were very old. If I could just convince hubby he wants his own dog. :idea:
Here's to Steve! May he grow to be a worthy addition and not a pest, and may your husband's heart for him never go astray. *clink of glasses*
This is what happens when two people who compete with dogs get together. He has his own to train and I have mine. We have to occaisionally bring in new dogs when the old one's become pensioners. Often people sell their older dogs to novice handlers so that the dogs can help teach. You do learn a lot by working with a well trained dog. Ron and I have never been able to do this as we become too fond of them to move them on just to make room for new blood. I'll take my camera when I go pick up Steve tomorrow. I'm excited that Ron is going to finally have a dog that is easy to train. Australian Cattle Dogs are one of the toughest and most stubborn dogs. I could never do what Ron has done with so much patience. Border collies take a lot less training to get a useful dog. He is in for a treat. muddy
way to go STEVE!!! crazy well of coarse you are but in the nicest way. looking forward to some pictures. threads like these always give me the warmest feeling I read about so much cruelty and nastiness to animals well done muddy and steve and ron of coarse