A feral cat had her kittens under our workshop. They are old enough now to be out and about and exploring the wide world of our shed. I have plans of making pets of at least some of them, especially the calico. My plan includes having "Dr. Doolittle" my husband talk to them. He doesn't know of this part of the plan. They will be outside cats, but hopefully we can gentle them down enough to tolerate our human presence. Here are three, taking a nap next to our mower: And this little golden one, who seems more curious than afraid: Is there anything cuter than a kitten?
I remember when I was young the excitement of knowing that there were new kittens on the farm. I would stalk the mother cat trying to find out where she was hiding them this time. Even getting a first look was worth it! Good luck with your new visitors MG
Dr. Doolittle has succeeded in calming mama cat down to the point where she will "nose bump" his hand. We have fed them leftovers (hey, doesn't everyone have leftover grilled salmon, pork tenderloin, and chicken?) and the kitties are graduating to solid food. I think my grocery bill will rise with the cost of cat food added to it. One golden is very curious and not particularly cautious. The little calico, on the other hand, is very cautious and nips under the shed if she feels we are getting too close. Since we had a beloved calico for 14 years, I have hopes of gentling this little girl down to the point she can become our pet. If anyone can tame her, it's Dr. Doolittle!
I do hope that the little calico kitten lets down her guard soon and becomes part of your extended family. Dr Doolittle do your stuff as you never have before. Lots of this and some of this and before you know it she'll have a name and will never want to leave.
We got to pet the calico today! She was so intent on getting her share of the poached catfish (yes, I cook for the kittens and mama) that we got to stroke her gently along her back. Please Lord, let this be our second calico! Our first calico, Feliz, came to us as a starving half-grown cat. She easily took us over, laid down "cat rules" and became a beloved pet for 14 years. This little calico may follow in Feliz' pawprints and train us.
Slow and careful will win the day Jane. Once the little calico realises that you're not a threat I'm sure she'll come around.
When I went out with cat food this morning the calico and one yellow kitten were missing. They never miss a meal! I hunted all over the shed, made kissy sounds, shook their food bowl--nothing. I was so worried! Then Dr. Doolittle went out about an hour later and came back inside, reporting all the kittens and mama were present and accounted for. The two missing kittens had come out from under the shed, yawning and stretching. I just went out with their lunch and told the two "bad" kitties that they shouldn't worry us, and to not disappear like that and make us unhappy. They acted like they didn't care . . . .
Well you know cats Jane - a law unto themselves. They'd probably had a feed from mum and were sleeping deeply and happily under the shed without a care in the world.
Jane its a good sign that the Mother allows a 'Nose Bump',..the kittens will see and learn from that,..hopefully your Calico will carry on the line of Resident Outside Calico and be around for many a year,..i know if i were a cat i would be VERY happy with the daily left over menu at your place
The "nose bump" has progressed to demanding to be petted--full body stroke, scratch behind the ears, and a shoulder massage for mama cat. We've been able to stroke all the kittens while they are eating but only two of the yellows let us pet them when they are not eating. The bold one lays on its little back and wants a tummy rub. I have the feeling we are opening a cat spa--massages, controlled diet, and two attendants!
Wow that is progress,..good food and then a massage no cat or kitten could resist that treatment,..even the bold one wanting a tummy rub,..Jane your hooked lol,..amazing how when they are eating petting is allowed,..my 'Whisper' is the same,..but no petting or especially lifting when not eating,..keep the camera at hand as they grow,..pictures are nice of kittens
It sounds as though you have an adopted family in the making Jane. I'm so pleased that the mother cat allows you to pet it as the kits will follow her lead. Keep up the good work!!
Since I have done this multiple times, here is my experience. Talk softly to them. Put food out for them. Offer to let them sniff your hand when you can get close enough. It isn't hard. I have won many "wild" or feral cats and dogs, and even a rabbit or two as pets. When they are comfortable letting you hold them, they need to get their shots at minimum. At some point, you might want them spayed or neutered. Be gentle with them, and they will learn to trust you. You might also try some kind of toys with them. Most cats enjoy a "fishing pole" with something interesting tied on a string. You can buy such toys, or make them with a bent out clothes hanger, a shoestring, and some feathers or such on the end of it. They are not so fussy. Start calling them a name too. They will learn it easily. Have you thought of any names yet?