Jewel, that video is AWESOME!!! I've actually seen it before, it's been floating around Facebook for forever but I'd forgotten about it. Thanks for the Charlie compliments….believe it or not, he's still considered a puppy! He's just over a year old, and 140 pounds still has some growing to do. He won't get a lot taller or longer, but he'll fill out more. His sire was around 200 pounds I believe. He is super friendly, not an aggressive bone in his body, but because he's still in the puppy stage, I wouldn't say he's all that calm, not yet. When Paige or William lets Charlie out of his crate, or in from outside (he's primarily an inside dog) they make SURE to yell "Charlie's coming!" so that we can all brace ourselves. I'm serious! I back up to a wall, or hold on to a counter, because he gets SO excited and without ever meaning to he could knock me flying! Interestingly, he has very seldom knocked River over. It's fascinating to watch him going full tilt, but somehow veering away from or around River time after time. It's like he knows that a 2 year old toddler is just no match for his hugeness.
While not entirely on topic for this thread, nonetheless I thought you all would appreciate this. Whoever the vet tech-creative genius is behind these signs, I applaud him/her! ( photo / image / picture from Ronni's Garden )
Ronni, where's the saddle. There are ponies out there smaller than your Charlie. Those vet billboards are great.
( photo / image / picture from Philip Nulty's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Philip Nulty's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Philip Nulty's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Philip Nulty's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Philip Nulty's Garden )
That last photograph made me laugh. Many a time our Labrador 'Blue' used to come in with the children looking just like that. The children weren't much better!!
Great photos, Philip and Ronni! Dogs can give such joy (except if you have to clean the mud off them!).
................................. ( photo / image / picture from Henry Johnson's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Henry Johnson's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Henry Johnson's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Henry Johnson's Garden ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hank